News Feed Discussions Hernia after Vasectomy – is this possible? Dr. Towfigh, can you please answer? Reply To: Hernia after Vasectomy – is this possible? Dr. Towfigh, can you please answer?

  • Jnomesh

    January 12, 2018 at 2:58 am

    For me I felt a tear like feeling a few days after my surgery and was confusing Bc I never had surgery before so I didn’t know if what I was feeling was part of the healing from surgery or something else. When I went back to thebsirgeon he said everything was healing well so I just gave it time. After a month I got a cat scan and it showed a large hernia. I had a burning feeling when sitting.
    don’t know where you reside but there are a few surgeons in the states that do non mesh repairs.
    there is dr. Robert Tomas in Florida who specializes in the Desarda repair. There is keven Peterson in Las Vegas who is anti mesh and specializes in pure tissue repair. There is dr. William brown in San Francisco who specializes in pure tissue repair. And there is a surgeon in Long Isaknd new you’re at Stoney brook hospital who specializes in the shouldice repair and trained at the shouldice hospital in Toronto and has done more than 650 of these types of operations and his name is Dr. samer sbayi. Best of luck!