News Feed Discussions Feeling post surgical anxiety Feeling post surgical anxiety

  • mela414

    November 7, 2016 at 1:30 am

    Feeling post surgical anxiety

    Hi Sue
    I’m glad that you are doing more. Walking 2 miles is impressive. Just don’t over do it. Even when you are doing some chores around the house make sure not to lift anything heavy. It sounds like you bare not experiencing much pain which is great.

    I was able to get out a little more today and did a lot of walking at an outdoor outlet mall. I had to stop and sit a few times because of pain but am glad I pushed and did it anyway.

    The seroma I have by my belly button is painful so I’m still
    Wearing stretchy leggings that sit beneath it. I have tenderness in the groin area where they placed the mesh. I can’t press or touch there and it is still swollen. I was pretty bruised on my inner thigh right after the surgery and it is finally going away. I guess everything just takes time.

    I’m still having moments of anxiety when the pain hits and I’m not healing as fast as I thought I would. I just try to remind myself that I had a lot done during my surgery. It was 3 parts and the femoral hernia was a substantial size and incarcerated. I’m sure pulling that fat out of the canal was a job in itself which is why my inner thigh was so bruised. I even had pain on my Pubic bone which is finally subsiding.

    My brother just stopped by to visit and reminded me that it took him 2 weeks to feel better from his umbilical hernia surgery this past summer. It took him a few more weeks to feel good. His hernia was small and not incarcerated.

    I’m hoping for better days for all of us here and patience in dealing with the not so good ones.
