News Feed Discussions 15×20" physiomesh removal before 2 weeks.. DR’S LAB RAT

  • 15×20" physiomesh removal before 2 weeks.. DR’S LAB RAT

    Posted by Denise Schrader on February 27, 2017 at 3:53 pm

    this is my story about physiomesh and what it did to me…. along with the pain I still suffer from the day it was put in….along with depression, anxiety, and sleep problems that no doctor would believe that I could be in this much pain and still tell my story….. so much pain that it would knock a big guy down to his knees.. then after the 5th yr of dealing with it it tries to kill me with bowel obstruction in 2015, filling up almost 21 of the vacuum containers full from a NG, tube going from nose to intestine, with nothing to eat, but I did get ice chips to help my kidneys, make them give you ice chips to help you out when you are in hospital suffering with obstruction… I didn’t read about what it could do until about 5 weeks later…wow that could have killed me…. then the dr put this mesh over a AORTOBIFEMORAL BYPASS, done 2002 after 2 back surgeries that were not the problem as chart stated “”ABNORMAL AORTA FOR PERSON OF THIS AGE”” was 36 and was told that “I was too young for that, and it must be mistake and I need a herniated disc removed”….(1st surgery 11/1999 – 2nd surgery 7/2002 – AORTIC surgery 9/2002) have had to have 2 FemFem’s, which thorasic surgeons take a hose from one leg to another to make sure both have blood flow, my first one was 2013, 2nd one 2015

    Denise Schrader replied 7 years, 11 months ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Denise Schrader

    April 9, 2017 at 7:30 pm
    quote mela414:

    Glad you are on the road to recovery. What an ordeal you have been going through.
    I have a mesh in the right Pelvic area where thy put it for an incarcerated right femoral hernia and it feels really tight. I try stretching it every day. I also have some nerve pain if I pressed around the edge of it. It just doesn’t feel right.
    Hope you continue to heal and feel well.
    Be well.


    Still in pain Mela… human mesh is still in me because they had to take so much out. I had a bowel obstruction 7/2015… it is a killer…. wish I was told about this before this happened…. :/

  • mela414

    March 16, 2017 at 3:53 pm

    Glad you are on the road to recovery. What an ordeal you have been going through.
    I have a mesh in the right Pelvic area where thy put it for an incarcerated right femoral hernia and it feels really tight. I try stretching it every day. I also have some nerve pain if I pressed around the edge of it. It just doesn’t feel right.
    Hope you continue to heal and feel well.
    Be well.


  • Denise Schrader

    March 16, 2017 at 3:01 pm
    quote mela414:

    OMG…so sorry you went through that. How are you feeling now? Is the mesh out?

    feel as I have a STEEL CORSET on …. it controls my breathing…really sucks… :/ been to Cleveland Clinic to maybe repair the hernia that is under my breast bone and on top of the repair of the repair that is causing all the pressure but they they tell me to wear a ‘elastic belt’ …. yeah right my chest is already tight enough with the corset but they want me to wear the elastic belt on on top of the corset…. From what everyone finds on medical, physiomesh is the worst mesh and does the most damage, so glad I’ve said my goodbyes and got the lawsuit started, wish I could have started when they took my chest out…. back in 2010….

  • mela414

    March 1, 2017 at 1:08 am

    OMG…so sorry you went through that. How are you feeling now? Is the mesh out?

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