17 days post-op some significant concerns
Hello. This is my first post. I’m 25 years old, male, 183 pounds, 5’6.
On July 1st (two weeks and three days ago), I had surgery on a left indirect inguinal hernia. It was, according to the surgical notes, a laparoscopic total extraperitoneal left indirect inguinal hernia repair with mesh. The mesh used is ProGrip, although a company name or specific kind is not mentioned. The mesh was implanted, I believe, inside the abdomen (I could always post the surgical notes later if needed), and the mesh’s dimensions are 15cm x 10cm.
My healing was going well. I returned to work a week later (my job isn’t quite labor-intensive), but I was still walking around a lot. This past Monday, on July 15th, I dropped a set of keys. Always being careful not to bend with my back, I kneeled down on my right leg with my knee touching the ground, with my left leg point out as if I had just done a lunge (but, of course, I didn’t actually lurch forward or backwards like one does with a lunge). As I got up, I put most weight on my left leg and, almost immediately, I had a shooting pain starting from my groin/inner left thigh down to about three inches above the back of my knee. It feels as if it’s the side of my leg, but a bit more towards the back of the leg.
The pain hasn’t really let up since. There’s no burning and the “shooting” pain isn’t sharp; it”s as if the pain is from extreme tightness, if tightness can manifest as shooting pain. It doesn’t go into my groin all the time; sometimes it starts about four to five inches below the pelvic crease, or even below that, starting mid rear-thigh and going only a few inches to the side/back of my knee. Most of this pain is inside the thigh, but sometimes it radiates to the outer hip. Last night was the worst of it; after having a few hours entirely pain-free, I was laying in bed, ready to fall asleep. Lightning struck close to where I live, and I jolted in surprise. This caused what felt like my entire side/rear thigh tightening up, and this lasted about thirty seconds. The pain occurs mostly when walking, and when entering/exiting a vehicle.
The pain from the hernia itself is quite minimal (for the most part), and the abdominal pain has almost entirely subsided, but I feel like something is seriously wrong. The doctor knows about this, and according to him, this is a normal stage of healing and will subside. I’m scared that this won’t abate, or that, somehow, I’ve screwed something up and I’ll never heal correctly.
[USER=”935″]drtowfigh[/USER] — would love your input. Thank you so much.
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