News Feed Discussions 17 days post-op — some significant concerns

  • 17 days post-op — some significant concerns

    Posted by gc1234 on July 19, 2019 at 4:27 pm

    Hello. This is my first post. I’m 25 years old, male, 183 pounds, 5’6.

    On July 1st (two weeks and three days ago), I had surgery on a left indirect inguinal hernia. It was, according to the surgical notes, a laparoscopic total extraperitoneal left indirect inguinal hernia repair with mesh. The mesh used is ProGrip, although a company name or specific kind is not mentioned. The mesh was implanted, I believe, inside the abdomen (I could always post the surgical notes later if needed), and the mesh’s dimensions are 15cm x 10cm.

    My healing was going well. I returned to work a week later (my job isn’t quite labor-intensive), but I was still walking around a lot. This past Monday, on July 15th, I dropped a set of keys. Always being careful not to bend with my back, I kneeled down on my right leg with my knee touching the ground, with my left leg point out as if I had just done a lunge (but, of course, I didn’t actually lurch forward or backwards like one does with a lunge). As I got up, I put most weight on my left leg and, almost immediately, I had a shooting pain starting from my groin/inner left thigh down to about three inches above the back of my knee. It feels as if it’s the side of my leg, but a bit more towards the back of the leg.

    The pain hasn’t really let up since. There’s no burning and the “shooting” pain isn’t sharp; it”s as if the pain is from extreme tightness, if tightness can manifest as shooting pain. It doesn’t go into my groin all the time; sometimes it starts about four to five inches below the pelvic crease, or even below that, starting mid rear-thigh and going only a few inches to the side/back of my knee. Most of this pain is inside the thigh, but sometimes it radiates to the outer hip. Last night was the worst of it; after having a few hours entirely pain-free, I was laying in bed, ready to fall asleep. Lightning struck close to where I live, and I jolted in surprise. This caused what felt like my entire side/rear thigh tightening up, and this lasted about thirty seconds. The pain occurs mostly when walking, and when entering/exiting a vehicle.

    The pain from the hernia itself is quite minimal (for the most part), and the abdominal pain has almost entirely subsided, but I feel like something is seriously wrong. The doctor knows about this, and according to him, this is a normal stage of healing and will subside. I’m scared that this won’t abate, or that, somehow, I’ve screwed something up and I’ll never heal correctly.

    [USER=”935″]drtowfigh[/USER] — would love your input. Thank you so much.

    gc1234 replied 5 years, 7 months ago 3 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • gc1234

    July 23, 2019 at 2:37 pm

    (If anyone was curious: no tacks were used.)

    Today is week 3 post-op. I’ve scheduled a follow-up so I can receive an MRI. Shooting pain seems to be subsiding but the MRI would bring peace of mind.

    I’ll periodically make updates on this thread; God willing, I’ll make a full recovery, so it’ll be an anecdote on what one could expect after a successful surgery if anything.

  • gc1234

    July 22, 2019 at 1:42 am
    quote drtowfigh:

    Sorry to hear, as it sounds like you had a great repair.

    In general, these symptoms will abate with time. Stretching out the hip with slow extension exercises may help.

    Things to consider if the symptoms don’t resolve: MRI pelvis to evaluate for a hernia recurrence and position of the mesh. Some of your symptoms sound like ilioinguinal nerve but usually with ProGrip no tacks are used and so the nerve is not at risk. Check your operative report to see if any tacks or fixation we’re added.

    Very well. I’ll be monitoring this closely. I’ve been attempting stretches for today – I’ll see how this goes.

    Are these symptoms unheard of? I can’t seem to find any sources that speak of pain shooting all thr way down to the knee when the ilioinguinal nerve is affected. How long can this last if all else is healing well?

    I’ll respond appropriately if the surgical report does tell of tacks being used. Thank you so much.

  • drtowfigh

    July 20, 2019 at 3:53 pm

    Sorry to hear, as it sounds like you had a great repair.

    In general, these symptoms will abate with time. Stretching out the hip with slow extension exercises may help.

    Things to consider if the symptoms don’t resolve: MRI pelvis to evaluate for a hernia recurrence and position of the mesh. Some of your symptoms sound like ilioinguinal nerve but usually with ProGrip no tacks are used and so the nerve is not at risk. Check your operative report to see if any tacks or fixation we’re added.

  • gc1234

    July 20, 2019 at 2:31 am

    Also, if this is helpful: I am given much relief from the leg pain for a few hours after a bowel movement.

  • gc1234

    July 20, 2019 at 2:23 am
    quote DrBrown:

    Dear GC1234
    From what your describe, I doubt that you did any serious injury.
    Ask your surgeon to carefully examine you to help determine if there is any problem.
    Do not hesitate to contact the surgeon frequently if you do not feel like you are getting better.
    Bill Brown MD

    Dr. Brown.

    Thank you for your speedy response.

    In your professional opinion — of course, with my full acknowledgement that it is no substitute for in-person medical diagnosis which I am 100% responsible for — what could possibly be the cause of this pain? Last night, I was laying down, and after moving my pelvis slightly the extreme tightness shot down my leg (I guess that’s a muscle spasm?) and it was so tight, I couldn’t move it for about 30 seconds without immense pain from the tightness . . . as if it were the worst kind of cramp one could get. (And, this time, there *was* pain in my groin.) Possibly a torn hamstring?

  • DrBrown

    July 19, 2019 at 9:55 pm

    Dear GC1234
    From what your describe, I doubt that you did any serious injury.
    Ask your surgeon to carefully examine you to help determine if there is any problem.
    Do not hesitate to contact the surgeon frequently if you do not feel like you are getting better.
    Bill Brown MD

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