News Feed Discussions 2 months post op

  • Arkj93

    July 30, 2019 at 3:44 am

    Hi Mariel,

    I am sorry to hear of your pain. Generally speaking, it takes about 6-12 months to fully heal from any major surgery, so at two months things are still pretty “new” in terms of what you’re feeling and should improve with time. That being said, you may be experiencing some nerve pain if it feels like a shooting or burning pain going down your leg or in your groin. For any swelling and inflammation you can try taking an nsaid like naproxen, which may help. Another thing I have found helpful is icing the sore areas or even taking an ice bath. In terms of strengthening the muscles I would recommend anything low impact like walking or swimming, planks should be ok but I would double check with your surgeon. I believe Dr Towfigh said on this forum abdominal exercises were ok. Anyway if your pain is severe do not be afraid to go back to your surgeon or get a second opinion. There are alternatives to painkillers such as gabapentin which may be useful for nerve pain, but you will have to check with your doctor first.

    Good luck on your journey to recovery.


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