News Feed Discussions 3 weeks post op

  • 3 weeks post op

    Posted by mela414 on November 11, 2016 at 11:01 pm

    So yesterday was 3 weeks post op and although I am recovering from the surgery it has not been quick enough. I often find myself having anxiety because of this and have to pull myself together. I guess when you have a history of pelvic pain there is always the fear of what pain stays and what pain goes

    My abdominal swelling is better. The seroma is a little better too size wise. I think it’s a little smaller but maybe it’s just the swelling that’s down. It still
    Hurts when I touch it or accidentally apply pressure to it there is also surface nerve pain along with numbness on the skin near my belt button. I feel a burning nerve pain when my t shirt touches it and sometimes by the end of the day its unbearable. I hope this resolves soon.

    The lower right pelvic area where the incarcerated femoral hernia was is still Tender. I definitely cannot press there. Yesterday I had a little sneezing attack and felt it very sharply in that area

    I try to get out everyday and do my errands but find if I do too much i come home in pain. Even if I rest afterwards I often wake during the night with leg or belly pain.

    I still have some pain after bowel movements and have to be very careful when going. I make sure I use a stool to step in and also use stool softeners. In still not right yet and hope it will continue to improve. At least it’s nowhere like it was before surgery which left me debilitated after a bowel
    movement for hours sometimes till the next day.

    So that’s my update. I thought I would have been further along but I guess my surgery was involved.

    I finally got my surgical Report yesterday which helps to understand eveything. I’m hoping this will get a lot better soon. I would love to get on with life.

    seeker replied 8 years, 2 months ago 4 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • dand

    December 18, 2016 at 3:12 pm

    3 weeks post op

    Hi Mel,
    Read your full post & you need to hang in & heal from your post surgical condition to be strong for your husbands treatment. I had inguinal hernia surgery about 4 months ago… it went fine although I still have a hard painless seroma (never had it diagnosed by MD but assume it is a seroma). The day that I had a consultation with hernia surgeon my wife was diagnosed with Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer… she is in a clinical trial & is progressing in a positive direction & glad I am hernia free to give her my full attention.
    Both Mel & Sue, Life sure deals out many situations that we have to deal with… you need 1st to do good for yourself & continue to heal so you can help handle other loved one problems.
    Best of Luck to all of us in these trying situations..

  • seeker

    December 18, 2016 at 2:42 am

    3 weeks post op

    Wow Mel – I’m so sorry to hear about what you and you’re husband are dealing with in your lives. These serious medical issues make time stop and has one realizing what is really important in life. I hope that he finds treatment that helps him get back to his base line quickly so that you both can enjoy the holidays some and so that he can start the new year on a good footing.

  • mela414

    December 17, 2016 at 8:58 pm

    3 weeks post op

    Hi Sue,

    Would love to. I’m glad you’re doing OK. I’m sort of in the same boat with my husband’s health. I’m kind of glad I had the surgery when I did because I knew that my husband would be needing treatment around this time and I would have to be better. Unfortunately he has a chronic leukemia and needs to be treated now. we’re we’re starting a new drug this week hopefully he’ll tolerate it OK bwill have to see how it goes. Just in time for the holiday.
    It’s not easy especially when we have our own health concern so I understand what you’re going through.
    Hang in there. Hope everyone gets better quickly!

  • seeker

    December 17, 2016 at 6:32 pm

    3 weeks post op

    I think of you often Mel, but was afraid to keep pestering you about your recovery. So glad to hear that you are making good progress.

    My daughter is not doing well. I don’t even concern myself with my aches and pains any longer. No time to. I guess it’s a good thing I got the surgery done when I did because I would have been in the local hospital getting it done for sure with all the stress caused by her illness.

    Have a good holiday, Mel. Glad you are out of the pain you suffered through all summer long. Keep in touch. Maybe if they get private messaging – we can exchange phone numbers in the future.

    My Best,

  • mela414

    December 17, 2016 at 3:24 pm

    3 weeks post op

    Hi Sue,

    Somehow I responded to this a few days ago but it disappeared. Thursday was eight weeks since my surgery and I’m feeling much better than I did a month ago. I still have the Seroma that’s quite tender especially the one near my belly button. I also seem to have a sharp pain down low somewhere near where the border of the mesh is. It only hurts if I press on it in this one little spot. I feel a sharp shooting pain. I hope it resolves.

    I’m doing a lot more and I am up and about but I’m still not 100% healed. If I do too much I feel it the next day.

    I hope you are feeling better and continuing to heal. I hope your daughter is better to.

    Please keep me posted.

    All the best,


  • seeker

    December 15, 2016 at 3:16 am

    3 weeks post op

    How are you doing, Mel?

  • mela414

    November 25, 2016 at 3:39 pm

    3 weeks post op

    Ditto your sentiments on the mesh.

    I’m sorry your daughter is not well. I hope her situation resolves itself soon. That definatley adds more stress.

    I think I have to cut back on walking because I feel like I stirred things up. I’m having more discomfort and swelling on the right side again. My gut is not back to journal either. I guess it takes more time. I don’t eat a lot of the foods you mentioned but I have been having a half glass of wine with dinner. I don’t drink regular coffee but I do indulge in a tiny bit of espresso because I like the taste. I’ve probably been having a little more sugar than I normally do but nothing crazy. I haven’t gotten back on probiotics yet.

    Although I was able to get back into my jeans they still
    Feel snug around the waist from swelling.

    Yesterday was a long day for me and it’s taken its toll
    on me today. I wore shoes with a little heal which I haven’t done in a long time. I started to feel pain in the surgical area and needed to sit down and rest. I also have fibromyalgia so today feels like I’ve been hit by a train.

    I hope both our tummy woes settle down. Im sure thanksgiving dinner didn’t help. Back to a regular diet!

    I’m not sure if my friend had a laparoscopy the second time around. I think the first was open incision when she had her cesarean.

    I hope you have a better day. I guess we both need to give it more time. Im going to rest as much as I can today and maybe attempt walking tomorrow depending on how I feel.

    I hope things get better for your daughter too.

    Be well.


  • seeker

    November 25, 2016 at 7:03 am

    3 weeks post op

    I am still dealing with the psychological aspect of knowing mesh is in me. I can feel it. But it is not tender to the touch. My digestive system is way off. I think I have scarring going on from the laparoscopic surgery up near my belly button. I feel this hard flat lump there. I get indigestion and must eat smaller meals. I don’t get hungry – my desire for food is not there anymore. And I still have the seromas that cause discomfort. Getting around is fine. I have slight sensations radiating down hernia leg to knee. I would be walking a lot more if my daughter weren’t so sick.

    I so wish you were feeling a lot better. Are you taking probiotics and eating easily digested meals? Have you reduced gluten, sugar and dairy? I’ve given up caffeine and alcohol. Never had much of either before tho. Trying to do everything to get my stomach working as well as it did before surgery.

    You said your friends thought it took around 8 weeks until they felt better. Did they have lap surgery with mesh?

    Lets hope time heals.

  • mela414

    November 25, 2016 at 5:19 am

    3 weeks post op

    Hi Sue.
    I’m slowly healing and feeling better. Thanks for asking.

    I still have the seroma that’s hard and causes pain. Especially, when i do too much. I still have soreness on the lower right side where they placed the mesh. If I gently press it still feels very tender.

    All things considered it is better. I went to the surgeon last week for a check up and he said to give it some more time. he encouraged more walking so I started walking around my neighborhood at a good pace for about 35 minutes. I get right sided pain about 15 minutes into the walk but keep going. He discouraged me from starting the elliptical machine yet. He said he wants the mesh to fully integrate and doesn’t want to do any movement that might fold over the mesh. He preferred walking.

    He gave me the name of a good gastro Doctor which I hope to see for an IBS consult. I’m sure it’s flared from stress and surgery.

    This entire surgery really took a toll. I didn’t think it would take this long to heal. In sure with time it will be ok. I’m still not back to myself. At least the pain I was having from the hernia before surgery is not there!

    How are you feeling? Are you back to your normal yet?
    Wishing you well.


  • seeker

    November 25, 2016 at 3:19 am

    3 weeks post op

    How are you feeling Mel?

  • mela414

    November 16, 2016 at 4:59 am

    3 weeks post op

    Hi Chaunce
    Thank you for responding. Yes, I can finally say that the original hernia pain has subsided. I no longer have that terrible pain in that right area where the femoral hernia was. Bowel movements are better with respect to the pain I used to have afterwards. I still have some pain in that area and a little swelling. It feels different than the other side that didn’t have surgery and doesn’t have a mesh. I wonder if it will ever feel the same.

    My abdomen is still painful where the seroma is. I feel
    That a visit to the surgeon is in order. I’m scheduled to be seen in about 2 weeks which would be at the 6 week post op check but might go in sooner. I’ve called the office once with concerns last week and was told I could
    Go in if I feel I needed to. I just didn’t want to be an alarmist.

    I’ve been experiencing some awful IBS spasms and I think in part it’s anxiety but also diet. So you are right in saying to eat healthy but even some healthy foods are triggering IBS. I’m sure that once all the internal swelling settles down then things will get back to my normal.

    I’ve been keeping busy and walking and actuallyndisn5 minutes in the elliptical unit but am feeling some pain. I’m not sure if I am ready for that. I think the seroma is really contributing to my pain and discomfort.

    I guess i need more time.

    I hope that you are well.

  • Chaunce123

    November 15, 2016 at 3:23 am

    3 weeks post op

    Is your primary hernia pain gone?

    Remember that it takes a while to heal, and everyone heals at different rates. Eat as healthy as you can with mostly vegetables and lean proteins and and try to walk as much as you can tolerate, both should help.

    Thanks for continuing to update on your progress and story, it can be helpful information for other patients.

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