News Feed Discussions Abdominal incisional hernia

  • Abdominal incisional hernia

    Posted by Lou on February 19, 2016 at 1:43 am

    I am the new guy on the block…9years ago l had an incisional abdominal hernia mesh repair
    With a 8x 4 sepermesh which goes right across the stomach and liver… This has given me daily pain and digestive problems if l eat any thing a few hours later terrible pain as the food passes the mesh .. If l try doing any hours work it pulls on the mesh and pain is unreal .. I am on strong pain medication and have had to two partial obstructions … Lately it pulling more and sets up the nerve
    Pain … Is their a med that would help with this … Also l have a question.. When l have a US test done, l tell the technician that l have a mesh .. But each time the test come back they say that the bowel has stool in it but have good bowel movements … What l would like to know is does the mesh block out seeing what is happening under the mesh so all they see is a dark l may not be getting a true reading .. and is there anything l can do to make things more comfortable
    Many thanks and l live in Canada!

    drtowfigh replied 9 years ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • drtowfigh

    February 19, 2016 at 6:19 am

    Abdominal incisional hernia

    Thanks so much for posting. I hope you will find this forum helpful.

    Some questions:
    1. What operation was your incisional hernia from? Where exactly was the hernia? And how big?
    2. How was the hernia repaired? Open or laparoscopic? Since Sepramesh was used, shall we assume the mesh was placed inside your abdomen as opposed to on top of the muscle?

    Yes, mesh can distort the view flyby an ultrasound. But not completely.

    Once mesh is in, my feeling is that ultrasound is no longer the choice imaging.

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