News Feed Discussions Abdominal swelling?

  • Abdominal swelling?

    Posted by mela414 on October 14, 2016 at 1:01 pm

    So i’ve finally been diagnosed with a right femoral hernia. I will probably be having surgery in the next few weeks. Just coming down to the final
    decision on who to let do it because of finances and insurance.
    The pain has been getting worse and I am actually seeing the bulge from it in the groin area. By bedtime the pain is worse and my belly is distended.
    Can such a small femoral hernia cause belly distention? I feel swollen and the pain is unbearable. I dont think I can wait another 2 weeks for surgery. I am also starting to feel pain in the same area on the left side and feel a little bulge coming through.
    Can it possibly be that I am getting one on the left?
    I am keeping my bowels moving by taking stool softeners and last night a little Miralax. I don’t want to strain and make things worse.
    Does anyone else have belly swelling from small hernias? I am going to call my doctor today to get in earlier. I have a new consult for an in network doctor recommended by my gyn.
    This is unbearable

    seeker replied 8 years, 4 months ago 3 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • mela414

    October 15, 2016 at 9:44 pm

    Abdominal swelling?

    I think TEP stands for totally extraperitoneal. I understood when he told me. I think he has to slide in between the muscle and peritoneum and make sure that there isn’t scarring in the area under the scar. If he can’t slide through then he will convert to open surgery. I hope he can get in ok because I really want him to look at the left side too. It’s starting to bulge and I have pain there too. Not as much as the left.

    It sounds like your doctor has a good plan for you. I hope that everything goes as planned at you get this behind you as well. When is your surgery?

    I am in pain all day. My entire pelvic area hurts. I have pain in my groin and inside of my leg to my knee. By the end of the day I am more swollen and more pain. The two muscles on the side of my abdomen become hard and cord like. Those are the chiseled muscles that you see in professional athletes. On me they are there because they are over compensating. I hope that gets better once the hernia is repaired and heals. My abdomen feel so stressed.

    I know I will have to strengthen my core.

    Thanks for sharing. Wishing you well.

  • seeker

    October 15, 2016 at 8:08 pm

    Abdominal swelling?

    Hi Mel,

    I am sorry that I haven’t responded sooner. I have my daughter visiting this weekend.

    I also have a bikini scar from an open (invasive!) surgery 4 years ago. My NYC surgeon explained that he would go in from behind laparoscopically and pull the hernia back in, suture and lay mesh. If the bulge (which he feels is fat – mind you, I am 120 pounds) does not come in all the way, he will have to make an incision in front to excise fat. Anyway, I hope I am explaining it properly.

    My hernia hurts only intermittently – the most has been for 1/2 a day. The times before that were 3-4 hours. I’m thinking that it a good thing that you are getting it done as soon as possible. I can’t imagine dealing with the pain I had on a long term basis. I am being careful with what I eat. I try to eat more blended food and certainly nothing fried or gassy or anything difficult to digest.

    I am not aware of a TEP type surgery. But I am going to try and look it up to learn about it.

    I hope you are doing better today.

  • mela414

    October 15, 2016 at 3:59 pm

    Abdominal swelling?

    I’m having the TEP approach. Does that sound right? I do have a bikini scar from a previous emergency laparotomy that the doctor informed me if he couldn’t get through because of scarring there then he would not be able to do it laporoscopically and would convert to open surgery. I guess he’s being cautious and covering all grounds given my previous history of things going wrong. I also told him about my bladder injury during hysterectomy when they had to separate my bladder from my uterus leaving a hole in my bladder that needed to be repaired. I had to wear a Foley catheter for 2 weeks to allow the surgical site to heal! at least he is now aware there might be some adhesions there also.

    I’m sure he’ll be able to get through and everything will be fine.
    Just wanted to make sure the initial TEP approach is the way to go.

  • mela414

    October 15, 2016 at 11:15 am

    Abdominal swelling?

    Did you decide what you were going to do? Do you have someone to do your surgery?

    I am having more pain that is now going across my lower belly pelvic area. I feel like I am getting a hernia in the left side too but the pain is going across down low. Uggghhhhh. I’m not taking any pains MEDS other than Tylenol because I don’t want to constipate myself and make things worse.

    I had a causal epidural on Wednesday for a disc herniation with annular tear to L5-S1 and it was suggested that could be causing me pelvic pain. It has somewhat helped my sciatica pain but this pelvic pain is awful. It is waking me from sleep. And now the steroid is irritating my gut. I just want to get better already.

    How can it be that some people have no pain from
    Hernia and others have tremendous pain??

  • mela414

    October 14, 2016 at 10:21 pm

    Abdominal swelling?

    Thanks for the support. Yes I will spread the word about this forum. This has been a big help to me. I will keep you posted with regards to my surgery and how it goes.
    I’m a little nervous but that’s to be expected.

  • drtowfigh

    October 14, 2016 at 9:09 pm

    Abdominal swelling?

    So glad to hear.

    Please spread the word about our forum to your surgeon.

  • seeker

    October 14, 2016 at 8:55 pm

    Abdominal swelling?


    I am so glad that you had a productive afternoon. Seems like you are in good hands. Please let us know how your surgery goes.

    Thanks for updating us on everything.

  • mela414

    October 14, 2016 at 8:45 pm

    Abdominal swelling?

    So I met the new doctter and I really like him and feel comfortable with him. I find him to have a lot experience and seems competent. He felt the hernia upon palpation. I told him i think I feel something coming on the left too. Although he did not feel it or see anything on the MRI he will check once he goes in. We will be doing a laporoscopic TEP procedure and placing a mesh. My GYN will ask be there so he can take a peek after the hernia repair and pop into the abdomen to check for adhesions. this doctor doesn’t think there should be endometriosis but doesn’t hurt to have my GYN surgeon there with him looking things over.
    I’m doing my pre admission testing on Monday and surgery will be this Thursday.
    There were going to do it after Halloween but I told them I couldn’t wait like this anymore. They happened to have a cancellation so I took it.
    I did a lot of questioning with regard to his experience and addressed all my fears and concerns. We were both on the same page. I am confident that he will provide me with the best surgery.
    I can’t wait to get some relief!

  • seeker

    October 14, 2016 at 7:35 pm

    Abdominal swelling?


    Not glad to know you’re in pain, but glad Dr T replied about your symptoms bring common. Hopefully this gives you the space of time to decide on a reputable surgeon, which I feel is your most crucial decision. Have you tried Dr Goodyear in PA? He is highly recommended and is within driving distance for you and your insurance may be covered by him. Go to North Penn Hernia Institute web site, print up forms, fill out and fax to him ASAP to set up an appointment. Make sure to request Dr Goodyear.

    Even though you are experiencing the pain, your hernia is small and has a better chance of being fixed properly. Because I have been putting mine off for well over a year due to a family member being extremely sick, mine has gotten much larger.

    I wonder if we were both seeing the same NYC surgeon. I felt his expert opinion was helpful and that he was compassionate, but I am also having difficulty finding the money for the surgery. Unfortunately, I feel surgeons are not paid what the are deserved by the insurance companies – so surgeons must make tough decisions regarding patient insurance coverage.

    Please keep us updated to how you are doing. Hope your afternoon appointment goes well.

  • drtowfigh

    October 14, 2016 at 4:43 pm

    Abdominal swelling?

    Search HerniaTalk and you will see repeated comments about the association of bloating and abdominal swelling with hernias. It’s common.

    Since you are undergoing laparoscopic surgery, both sides can be evaluated and if femoral hernia is noted, then it can be repaired.

  • mela414

    October 14, 2016 at 3:04 pm

    Abdominal swelling?

    I found an excellent doctor in NYC but he dos not accept insurance and I am not in a position to pay cash especially when I have insurance. I called my GYN who recommended someone. The earliest appointment for consult was next week. I was in such pain last night and this morning that I called and told them that I needed to come in today because of the pain. They are seeing me thsi afternoon. I will make a decision today based on how my consult goes. The NY doctor said he would do it laporoscopically and use a mesh.
    I can’t wait anymore the pain is awful. I am sorry you are going through the same thing. It has taken months to get a diagnosis. What are your symptoms? How long has it been going on. Have you found a surgeon?
    All the best

  • seeker

    October 14, 2016 at 2:23 pm

    Abdominal swelling?

    Hi Mela,

    I am in the same situation as you – also have a femoral hernia and I need to make decisions quickly due to size. I am presently trying to decide on a surgeon. I am really concerned about getting the mesh. I am only 120 lbs, and would like a no mesh operation. But I don’t want repeated surgeries either and the mesh done laparoscopically has been recommended by a top hernia surgeon.

    Have you found a surgeon yet?

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