News Feed Discussions Another hernia 4 weeks after repair?

  • Another hernia 4 weeks after repair?

    Posted by jzinckgra on July 15, 2016 at 12:10 am

    Hi. 43yo male. I don’t know what’s going on, but back in April I was diagnosed as having a left sided inguinal hernia. Doctor also noted my “outtie” belly button and said he’d fix that. I told him I was having similar pressure and occasional pain on right side that sometimes went down into my sac. He checked that side and did cough test and said he didn’t see any visible buldge nor anything felt in sac but would check during surgery.

    I had the lapro surgery 4 weeks ago. All went well, but in the last couple weeks I have had increased pressure and very specific local light to sometime quick sharp pain on right side. It’s right in the area I pointed out to him pre-surgery. During surgery he said he checked the right side and there was no hernia present. Basically used the analogy of looking up at a ceiling with tiles and that if there was a missing tile (hernia), he would have saw it.

    I went back to him earlier this week for post-op check. All incisions healing well, little to no pain on repaired side, but right side has pain and I can visibly see some slight/mod bulging alongside my right pubic bone. So what could this be? He says it’s not a hernia, but I know what the symptoms are based on left side and they seem very similar.

    He also said it could be fluid build-up, but this started before surgery, so I’m at a loss. Should I go see him again? He’s very confident that there is no hernia, but is possible he didn’t look low enough during surgery and he missed it or maybe it hasn’t protruded enough to see, despite me being able to see it in the shower. Confused.

    jzinckgra replied 8 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • drtowfigh

    August 7, 2016 at 6:37 pm

    Another hernia 4 weeks after repair?

    ok, then that is a good thing. perhaps the ultrasound will help figure things out.

  • jzinckgra

    August 3, 2016 at 12:20 pm

    Another hernia 4 weeks after repair?

    So I went back to surgeon yesterday and he is stumped and ordered an ultrasound. He poked and prodded and is convinced there is no hernia, but said it’s possible but unlikely. To confirm , he did in fact perform the TEPP procedure, so any fat that may have been in the way during surgery was removed to visually confirm absence of hernia. He said it could be inflammation of the vas deferens.

  • drtowfigh

    July 28, 2016 at 4:47 am

    Another hernia 4 weeks after repair?

    Honestly presenting your concern is the best policy. Also, feel free to seek second consultations to get another surgeon’s perspective.

  • jzinckgra

    July 19, 2016 at 5:55 pm

    Another hernia 4 weeks after repair?

    quote :

    As soon or as late as you wish. Your prior surgery likely has not affected what surgery you may need on the symptomatic side.

    This is so frustrating to think the Dr. missed the other hernia. He basically had three opportunities to check: once during consultation, once during surgery and once post-op. Each time he is certain there isn’t one there. I’m a bit embarrassed to call the office and make another appt. and have him take a look again. It’s odd cause some days, like today I can feel the pressure and discomfort and other days all is well.

    What’s the best way to approach this with him? Don’t mean to criticize his judgment, but there doesn’t seem to be anything other than a hernia to explain this. Is it possible it is residual fluid or inflammation from him poking around down there? Thanks again.

  • drtowfigh

    July 19, 2016 at 12:21 am

    Another hernia 4 weeks after repair?

    As soon or as late as you wish. Your prior surgery likely has not affected what surgery you may need on the symptomatic side.

  • jzinckgra

    July 18, 2016 at 1:19 pm

    Another hernia 4 weeks after repair?

    quote :

    Depends on how your hernia was surveyed laparoscopically.
    Some hernias are filled with fat and a survey from the inside will not reveal a hole (aka a TAPP or transabdominal laparoscopic survey) while there really is a hole/hernia.
    If your surgeon took down that fat and actually looked at the muscle to see if there is a hole (aka TEP or extra peritoneal laparoscopic survey) then there is no better more sure way of ruling out a hernia.

    I don’t believe he took the fat down, but not sure he would have told me if he did. Last couple days have felt/looked fine, but probably cause it’s not popping out. If there was another hernia, how soon could that one be surgically fixed? thanks for your reply.

  • drtowfigh

    July 18, 2016 at 4:10 am

    Another hernia 4 weeks after repair?

    Depends on how your hernia was surveyed laparoscopically.
    Some hernias are filled with fat and a survey from the inside will not reveal a hole (aka a TAPP or transabdominal laparoscopic survey) while there really is a hole/hernia.
    If your surgeon took down that fat and actually looked at the muscle to see if there is a hole (aka TEP or extra peritoneal laparoscopic survey) then there is no better more sure way of ruling out a hernia.

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