Any good hernia-specialist in southern-Germany?
It’s my first post here, so I’ll introduce myself first. I’m a 30 year old guy from Ulm, Germany (South Germany).I recently discovered, that when I’m coughing I can feel something plop out in my right groin. My GP discovered that I have small bilateral groin hernia.
Unfortunately since a few days I have pain in both groins, burning sensation in the inner side of my right thigh and a burning pain in the area where the bladder is. I don’t have problems urinating.
Pain is almost gone when lying down, but after standing, walking or bending the pain comes right away.
I have a job where I have to stand and walk all the time, so right now my doctor told me not to work and find a good hernia specialistHaving read a lot about the various repair techniques I understand that a young male with bilateral groin hernia should be offered a laparoscopic mesh repair, but I’m quite afraid of having chronic pain afterwards.
Does anybody know a good hernia specialist in Germany?
Thanks so much in advance!
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