Any UK women’s hernia specialists?
I’m curious if anyone knows of a physician in the UK who has experience diagnosing occult hernias in women?
I’m an American woman in my early 30s based in Edinburgh, and I’ve been having lower right-side pelvic pain most days for about a year. I’ve had a GI work-up that ruled-out inflammatory bowel disease, a normal trans-vaginal ultrasound, appointments with a women’s health physiotherapist (who doesn’t think my pelvic floor is causing the pain), and am about to have a gynaecological laparoscopy to definitively rule-out endometriosis (which the gynaecologist agrees doesn’t match most of my symptoms). The pain gets much worse during/after running, and particularly during/after weight lifting/squats (i.e. increases in abdominal pressure), began after a period of GI issues last summer, and doesn’t seem to be worse during my menstrual cycle. I can reproduce the pain when I press internally on what I think is the right inguinal ring area. Anyway, I’m at my wit’s-end with the NHS – when I mentioned the possibility of an inguinal hernia to my gynaecologist, she said that women don’t get these and then asked me to cough when laying down to show me that there was no bulge (which is definitely not the way to diagnose/rule out a hernia!).
I’m willing to pay privately to get an MRI or other diagnostic test done, but know that the imaging is often only as good as the technician who performs it and the physician who interprets it. All of the hernia specialists I’ve looked into seem to work exclusively with men and previously diagnosed hernias. If anyone is aware of a hernia specialist with experience working with women/occult hernias in the UK (or is a woman who has successfully had an inguinal hernia diagnosed by an imaging test), I’d love your advice. Thank you so much!
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