News Feed Discussions Are these symptoms of an “occult female hernia?

  • Are these symptoms of an “occult female hernia?

    Posted by Kekoski on June 13, 2015 at 8:48 pm

    Hello Dr. Towfigh,
    I have been living with chronic pain in my left groin since 2011. It started when I helped a friend carry a 100 lbs. disabled dog and in the middle of it I felt as if something had ripped inside my groin. For the first 6 months I thought I had pulled a muscle, so I tried the usual remedies of rest, ice, etc. When nothing helped I started looking for expert medical care. Since 2011 I have been to a chiropractor, orthopedic doctor, hernia surgeon, a nurse practitioner, and a gynecologist. I have had two MRIs that showed a fibroid tumor on the back of my uterus, an ovarian cyst on my left ovary but no hernia. The cyst has since ruptured (back in 2012), but the pain and the “pinching” has continued.

    Since the pain has gotten worse, in February I went to see my gynecologist who ordered a transvaginal ultrasound. They could see that my posterior uterine fibroid is now 7 cm but no ovarian cysts or anything else that would explain the pain. My doctor recommended a uterine artery embolization in the hopes that it would eliminate the pain problem. However, she did warned me that she doesn’t warranty the procedure will eliminate the pain in my groin.

    I cannot afford to undergo a procedure in the hopes of fixing the problem as I am self-employed. I would like to know if in you expert opinion, these symptoms sound like an occult hernia to you. If so, I want to continue searching for the correct doctor that will be able to help me.

    My symptoms: Constant burning sensation in the crease of my groin between the lower part of my belly and where the leg begins. If I bend forward (as if I am loading and unloading a dishwasher) I feel something inside my groin “pinch”. Anytime I bend over I “pinch”. There has been times that I feel pain in my intestines when waste passes through that area, but my bowel movements are normal. Every time I take a step with my left foot, I feel it in my groin. The groin pain gets worse if I carry a heavy load (like a bag of dog food). Some days are better than others. I have tried taking anti-inflammatory medication, but it doesn’t help with the pain, so I don’t take them. When I am pinching a lot, I try to pull my groin skin upward to alleviate the pain but it doesn’t help.

    Please, any information you can give me will be greatly appreciated. I am just 48 years old and have been very healthy and active until this situation happened! Help me go in the right direction.

    Kekoski replied 9 years, 9 months ago 2 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • drtowfigh

    June 17, 2015 at 12:23 am

    Are these symptoms of an “occult female hernia?

    Try Dr David Chen at UCLA.

  • Kekoski

    June 16, 2015 at 6:30 pm

    Are these symptoms of an “occult female hernia?

    Dr. Towfigh,

    I would like you to read my MRI, however I called my insurance and you would be out of network. I called your office this morning, but unfortunately I can’t afford your consultation fee out of pocket. Would you recommend someone else in the hopes they would be in my network? Thank you so much for your time and responses. At least I know I am not crazy about my pain.

  • drtowfigh

    June 14, 2015 at 3:30 am

    Are these symptoms of an “occult female hernia?

    Sounds very likely to be a hernia. Other options may be hip-related issues, but your symptoms certainly are more consistent with an inguinal hernia.
    I am happy to see you in consultation. Your MRI needs to be Re-read to make it is correctly interpreted.

  • Kekoski

    June 14, 2015 at 12:35 am

    Are these symptoms of an “occult female hernia?

    Dr. Towfigh,

    Thank you for taking the time to answer. Back in 2012 when I went to the hernia doctor, beside the MRI of the lower left side of my pelvic area, he did a cough test and palpated to see if he felt any bulging. There is no bulging at all, and when I cough or laugh I don’t feel much difference. When I stand or sit for too long I start to feel uncomfortable. When I lay down it also improves, but not for a while. The pain does radiate from the top of my thigh to my inner vaginal area to the point that sometimes my labia gets almost numb. It does get worse when I am on my period but it mostly feels deep inside. I always think of it as inside of my bone…in the very middle of my groin. The only thing that was found through that MRI was an ovarian cyst on the left side of my pelvis and my uterine fibroid…so it was concluded that the cyst combined with the fibroid were the culprit and that when the cyst ruptured I would feel better.

    I live in the Riverside, CA area. If you could recommend someone that has dealt with this type of hernias I would greatly appreciate it.


  • drtowfigh

    June 13, 2015 at 10:37 pm

    Are these symptoms of an “occult female hernia?

    Absolutely can be signs for an occult hernia.
    Do you have pain with coughing, laughing, getting out of bed or car, prolonged sitting, prolonged standing? Is it worse at the end of the day, better when lying flat? Worse with your period? Painful with sexual intercourse? Do you feel a lump or swelling at the groin area or above the crease? Does the pain radiate down the top of your thigh, around to your hip, to your back, up to your belly, or into your vagina?
    Ice helps.
    What did your hernia surgeon say? Did the ultrasound or MRI pelvis remark about the hernia area at all?
    Go to the American Hernia Society web page or let me know which part of town you live so we can help you find a specialist who can evaluate you.

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