News Feed Discussions Central Pain after Neurectomy

  • Central Pain after Neurectomy

    Posted by Joy on June 16, 2016 at 2:02 am

    Dr. Towfigh,

    I read with interest your feedback to S.Tomlinson regarding Central Pain Sensitization and recommendations for Doctors who specialize in the condition, at least as it relates to orchalgia: Dr. Samimi and Lalani, Dr. Vahedifar and Dr. Tim Davis. I (female) had a triple neurectomy and meshoma removal about 1.5 years ago following inguinal hernia surgery about 15 months before, but have continued severe pain. The surgeon who performed the neurectomy is unable to help me further. I have all the symptoms of centralization, including allodynia that is, at times, all over my body. I am determined to not let the first surgeon’s mistakes define my life and will do everything I can to be active again one day. My current pain management doctor is not much help. Do you recommend the doctors above for my situation as well? Do you have any other recommendations for pain specialists? I live in the Long Beach/Orange County area of Southern California. Also, I read the pamphlets Dr. Forrest Tennant has on his website (as recommended by S. Tomlinson); are his suggestions well accepted in the field of pain management? There were many ideas in there that I have not tried yet. Thank you again for your forum; I have found it very helpful these past difficult years. Hearing from you that central pain could be an explanation both for intractable pain as well as why surgeons are reluctant to want to re-operate is a spark of hope in a dark time for me; perhaps I can get some help from these or other doctors you recommend. Sincerely…

    Joy replied 8 years, 3 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • jgens99218

    July 9, 2016 at 8:37 am
  • Joy

    July 9, 2016 at 7:09 am

    Central Pain after Neurectomy

    It’s good to talk with someone who is going through the same experience although I wish no-one was. I have an appt with Dr Tim Davis in August; hopefully he can help. Thanks Dr Towfigh for the recommendation. I too use a Tens; it is a life saver. I am also going to have a dynamic Mri before that appt and my rescue surgeon will also be reading it. I don’t blame my rescue surgeon; he saved my life. The general surgeon is the one who caused all the damage and then just injected me with kenalog when I complained about the new pain. So I now have a deep hole above the surgical site where the kenalog destroyed my tissues. I refused a third treatment from him and started becoming my own advocate. I wish my triple neurectomy had been more successful but at least the mesh that was too big for me and was cutting into me is out. I try to look at it this way. I have never wanted to be a bitter person. I am determine to become an active person again. I try to walk every day and find that helps with tight muscles in my abdomen and back. Also hot baths and heating pads. How about you, any tips? We have got to support each other and get to the other side to a pain managed life. I started a support group for folks like us; not very active, but if you want to join you can email me and I will invite you to the group. I will post the email in the next post. I hope you are hanging in there. I am reading a wonderful book about the Oregon Trail; here’s a quote from the writers father when they were taking a wagon trail trip and the boy averts a crisis and the dad says this to his son: All I am saying is that sometimes you’re doing quite a lot by not doing anything. You’re not quitting. You just keep going. That’s the pioneer spirit.”

  • Mesh

    July 9, 2016 at 5:25 am

    Central Pain after Neurectomy

    I had a triple neurectomy following inguinal mesh removal. It is the cruelest thing a dr can do to someone in my opinion. I have all the same issues you’re describing. The Dr who performed mine made it seem like it was routine. 2 years later, I’m partially crippled from it and in a lot more discomfort and disfigured. I have a tens unit I search for answers all the time. It is a frustrating position to be in.
    I haven’t spoken to many people who have had success with them. I think surgeons should never recommend them to anyone at anytime. I continue to hope as you should too.
    I feel for your situation. I feel like I’m in danger everyday. It’s scary.

  • drtowfigh

    June 29, 2016 at 4:51 am

    Central Pain after Neurectomy

    I highly recommend Dr Tim DAVIS, as your type of pain may benefit from a nerve stimulator. He is a lead in the latest technology for management of chronic groin pain.

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