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Chronic pain and recurring Hernias
Casey replied 9 years, 11 months ago 7 Members · 40 Replies
Chronic pain and recurring Hernias
New update…..I finally visited the ohsu pain clinic and am trying a mix of meds and a nerve block….but before I could get the nerve block done I found out I have ANOTHER new hernia…this time on my right side. To say I am frustrated is an understatement. I do not want to undergo another surgery if I am just going to end up wth a bigger one down the road for mesh removal. My thought is to jump ahead and just get the whole mesh removal over with and repair everything at once. I obviously am going to keep her to g hernias. And the pain on my left side is still debilitating. I have an appt. To see a new surgeon at ohsu that deals with complex hernias and specializes in abdominal wall reconstruction. Hoping for an aggressive plan of action!
Chronic pain and recurring Hernias
Dr Peterson was great! So glad I made the trip up to see her. Am going to try some nerve injections and then if that doesn’t work we will discuss doing mesh removal. She is the only Dr I have seen that was open to that idea and willing. I did mention you and she laughed saying that she had to get on here… so I hope she does. I was really impressed with her knowledge but more by the fact she spent an hour talking with me and looking at my films.
Chronic pain and recurring Hernias
I’m really curious if you have found anything out about your case yet? I just have such similar problems. I have little children and I can barely get through the day from my pain. I have a grown child too, and it’s so hard not being the mother you want/used to be because of the pain. Did you see the other dr yet? What advice did you get, if you saw her?
Chronic pain and recurring Hernias
I’m really curious if you have found anything out about your case yet? I just have such similar problems. I have little children and I can barely get through the day from my pain. I have a grown child too, and it’s so hard not being the mother you want/used to be because of the pain. Did you see the other dr yet? What advice did you get, if you saw her
Chronic pain and recurring Hernias
I’m really curious if you have found anything out about your case yet? I just have such similar problems. I have little children and I can barely get through the day from my pain. I have a grown child too, and it’s so hard not being the mother you want/used to be because of the pain. Did you see the other dr yet? What advice did you get, if you saw her?
Chronic pain and recurring Hernias
I’m in a similar situation. It’s so horrible having pain that is disabling and not having dr’s understand how it can be so severe. I have little children and it’s awful not being able to do the things that I could do with my older children. I will be curious to know what happens with you. I’ve so far has 3 hernia repair surgeries. One on one side and two on the other. The side that I’ve got two on is the one that I have severe pain still. I want to get my mesh taken out to see if that helps, but who knows if I can get a dr to do that. I hope you keep us posted on what happens to you.
Chronic pain and recurring Hernias
I’m in a similar situation. It’s so horrible having pain that is disabling and not having dr’s understand how it can be so severe. I have little children and it’s awful not being able to do the things that I could do with my older children. I will be curious to know what happens with you. I’ve so far has 3 hernia repair surgeries. One on one side and two on the other. The side that I’ve got two on is the one that I have severe pain still. I want to get my mesh taken out to see if that helps, but who knows if I can get a dr to do that. I hope you keep us posted on what happens to you.
Chronic pain and recurring Hernias
I’m in a similar situation. It’s so horrible having pain that is disabling and not having dr’s understand how it can be so severe. I have little children and it’s awful not being able to do the things that I could do with my older children. I will be curious to know what happens with you. I’ve so far has 3 hernia repair surgeries. One on one side and two on the other. The side that I’ve got two on is the one that I have severe pain still. I want to get my mesh taken out to see if that helps, but who knows if I can get a dr to do that. I hope you keep us posted on what happens to you.
Chronic pain and recurring Hernias
First of all, if you are in chronic pain and debilitated, then every effort should be taken to help relieve that.
If it is from the tacks, they can be removed. It is not like finding a needle in a haystack as they can be seen on X-ray if they cannot be seen upon initial laparoscopic exploration. If it is from the sutures, those can be removed, too. If it is from the mesh, the mesh can also be removed.
If performed by a skilled surgeon who has done this in the past (ask them specifically), then you will be in good hands and any risks would be diminished.
Dr. Peterson of the UW Hernia Clinic is an excellent resource. Please let her know that you have been posting on HerniaTalk and ask her to join the discussion group as one of our surgeons!
Let us know what she recommends.
Chronic pain and recurring Hernias
So, the CT scan came back not showing much. It showed that the mesh may be folded a bit, but my surgeon said that with the way he tacked it down, it could appear that way. It also showed a lot of scar tissue. His advice was to go to a pain clinic, as well as seek out a second opinion.
I went to a local hernia clinic and the lead doctor there conquered with the findings. He said that the mesh may cause the discomfort but he would hesitate to remove it as that may cause more issues. He also said it sounds like a few of the permanent sutures are causing some pain. Again though he said it would be like finding a needle in a haystack to go in and release those. He also referred me to a pain clinic.
So I have a third appt. with Dr. Rebecca Peterson up at the Univ of Wash Hernia Clinic in October. I really don’t want to travel, and she is the closest clinic I could find other than the one here in Portland (that I am not that impressed with) Even if she gives me the same diagnosis, I will feel better knowing that I have 2 separate opinions, and have done what I can that way. I will be trying the pain clinic route as well.
Is it bad that I wish there would have been a new hernia, just so I could have something fixable? 🙂
Chronic pain and recurring Hernias
Curious to know what your CT shows. A rock in the abdomen is not normal. It can be a recurrence or a ball of mesh. And you should not accept chronic pain as something you have to life with.
Chronic pain and recurring Hernias
Did you find out if you have another hernia? I’m so sorry for what you are going through.
Chronic pain and recurring Hernias
Did you find out if you have another hernia?
Chronic pain and recurring Hernias
I am so sorry! Did you find out if you have a fourth hernia?
I also have had two hernias on one side and one on the other. I really think the side that has had two operations is still not fixed right. I have little children and it seems like every day is a struggle to get through with the pain, then I try to hurry and go to bed, praying that the next day will be better. It never is, unless I can stay in bed all day, which I can’t with 3 small children.
My pain specialist thinks my pain could be related to my mesh, but I don’t think the bulk of dr’s believe that. I also would like to get more imaging, but it’s like once the surgery is done, that’s the end of helping you.
Chronic pain and recurring Hernias
‘m so sorry! I also have three little children, and it is so hard being in such awful pain every day. I’m still trying ti figure out if my last surgery still didn’t fix my hernia correctly. I’m scared no one will ever help me. Have you found out anymore yet?
Chronic pain and recurring Hernias
I’m so sorry! I also have three little children, and it is so hard being in such awful pain every day. I’m still trying ti figure out if my last surgery still didn’t fix my hernia correctly. I’m scared no one will ever help me. Have you found out anymore yet?
Chronic pain and recurring Hernias
I’m so sorry. i also have had a total of three hernia surgeries. All inguinal. One right sided and two left. I was never told about recurrence and chronic pain. I really don’t think mine is all the way fixed. Does anything help you? I have small children at home too, and I’m scared of living in this pain forever. I don’t think the bulk of the dr’s think that you should have pain from a hernia. Also, I don’t think a ct scan is very good. Ith never showed mine.Even with the one that had an obvious lump and took the dr 5 seconds to feel it.
Chronic pain and recurring Hernias
I’m so sorry. i also have had a total of three hernia surgeries. All inguinal. One right sided and two left. I was never told about recurrence and chronic pain. I really don’t think mine is all the way fixed. Does anything help you? I have small children at home too, and I’m scared of living in this pain forever. I don’t think the bulk of the dr’s think that you should have pain from a hernia.
Chronic pain and recurring Hernias
I’m so sorry. i also have had a total of three hernia surgeries. All inguinal. One right sided and two left. I was never told about recurrence and chronic pain. Does anything help you? I have small children at home too, and I’m scared of living in this pain forever. I don’t think the bulk of the dr’s think that you should have pain from a hernia.
Chronic pain and recurring Hernias
I am so sorry. i have now had a total of three surgeries for inguinal hernias. two on one side and one on the other. yes, it seems like the majority of dr’s don’t even think it’s possible to have a recurrence. No one even told me that can happen. My pain specialist is the one that pushed me into getting another ultrasound, which showed another hernia, and then the hernia surgeon didn’t believe it. She insisted that I have a ct scan, which was negative. Ultimately, I did have another hernia and had surgery, but still awful pain. I also have little children and it’s awful trying to function with the pain. It looks like Dr. Towfigh try’s to help prevent them, which no other dr bothered to talk to me about. At the time of my first surgery I had already one child. I asked that dr would having more kids affect my hernia. I was told no, that it was to far down in my groin, but I think it does. I also wasn’t told anything about exercise and I now see that you shouldn’t do squats. My exercise program from my early 20’s consisted of a million squats and lung’s, plus I was a baker from 18 to 24 and lifted so many very heavy things. I’m betting at the time of my first surgery I had my other sided hernia too. No one checked, It’s amazing, they do an automatic check of both sides for men, why not women? Then a common theme I see on-line is that hernia surgeons don’t think inguinal hernias cause pain, so if you say pain, they say it can’t be from a hernia. It becomes a nightmare trying to figure out what is the cause of your pain. I’m also scared of living in this pain forever. I don’t know what to do at this point, does anything help you?
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