Complication after open meshless repair
My small indirect inguinal hernia on the right side was repaired almost 4 months ago without mesh in the minimal repair technic (a Shouldice variant as far as I understand, that doesnt cut the cremaster muscle).
Around the second month, I had a minor (?) complication : ingrown hairs on the scar site, like 12 ingrown hairs in 2 waves over a period of 2 month. At first, the surgeon told me to just put compress with saline water to help them break. I did, but some inflammation (and infection ?) was obviously going on. After a while, I had a dermatologist check it, she removed all the hairs and since then the scar “seems” fine (but still reddish).
When it happened, I could feel it was spreading and I got some pain / inflammation in the whole area up to the the crest of the iliac bone and inside the belly. I slowly started to have a permanent side stitch/weight (bearable but always present).
Around 1 month later, I started to have constipation until it became very bad (almost total obstruction). Before that, my bowel movements were normal again (since the surgery).
I took a few shots of magnesium chlorides to make it move. Went to see a doctor who gave me some light laxative (macrogol 4000) and nothing else. After a few days I noticed small dry blood clots in the stools.
I got an ultrasound check but they couldn’t see where the pain was because of the stools inside. Everything else was fine including the hernia repair.
The surgeon is reacting very defensively, saying there is no way it’s related to the surgery because he doesn’t operate inside. The last doctor I saw told me it might be adhesions and recommended a scanner.
My questions :
– Have you ever seen adhesions after an open repair with mesh ?
From what I understand it is common in laparoscopic and others methods where they go inside the peritoneum. But I couldn’t find anything about it happening with open repair…
Any advice or feedback is welcome.
This discussion was modified 8 months, 2 weeks ago by
This discussion was modified 8 months, 2 weeks ago by
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