News Feed Discussions Connection of Systemic inflammatory response and mesh

  • Connection of Systemic inflammatory response and mesh

    Posted by dog on November 26, 2018 at 10:53 am

    I am not the doctor ..just had a good education:} But It is even for me it is obvious that any intrusion into the human body will produce inflammatory response works as it’s own body protection mechanism response ..that is normal and temporally good for bady ..The immune system become mobilized to deal with stress and overcome it.. . …The.problem happening when we inserting inside something permanently…like foreign substances mesh implant or /permanent stitches . I strongly believe it can elevate inflammations marks C CRP) l reactive protein and few others…Just by the fact they are inside..even if we don’t feel any wrong immediately.. This can potentially create chronic ongoing inflammation , but if something will go wrong with mesh ..i believe it will go up drastically .Well elevated systemic inflammation marks is starting point for many generative diseases…too many to name here ..Many holistically integrated medical practitioners taking about that with a great concern. Systemic inflammatory response after hernia repair: a systematic review.

    dog replied 6 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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