could chronic pelvic pain be due to a hernia?
I am new to the world of hernias. I signed up for this forum because my PT saw one of Dr. Towfigh’s online “hernia talks” and mentioned it to me. She (my PT) said that the symptoms Dr. Towfigh described sounded quite similar to my own. By way of a “brief” explanation, I have had chronic pelvic pain for about 5 years now, and have tried various solutions including physical therapy, oral medications, surgery (multiple myomectomy and endometrial resection), and most recently, blocks to the genitofemoral and illio-inguinal / illio-hypogastric nerves. We have had some success with these treatments, but in general, I have not been able to eliminate the pain in abdominal area and down my right leg. My PT wondered if perhaps a hernia could be involved here, and so I wondered if there is a knowledgeable doctor in the Boston area who someone might recommend? I would be grateful for any leads!
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