News Feed Discussions Could this be a hidden hernia ?

  • Could this be a hidden hernia ?

    Posted by aminuts on September 14, 2014 at 7:24 pm

    I am 52 years old and desperately need your advice and help!
    I currently came across your You-Tube video addressing Hernias in females, and how hard they are to diagnosis.
    Approximately, 2 + years ago I had my gallbladder removed by laparoscopy, and it seemed to go well. However, starting about a year ago, I began getting a dull ache that would increase to pain. The pain seemed to start in my right groin area. As time has progressed the pain has gone from my groin area to my appendix area just left of my right hip and sometimes up to my right side where my gallbladder was removed, it feels like a ripping, burning, cutting and pinching pain. With constant bending to pick up my 10 month grandsonThe pain and discomfort increases. The simple task of cleaning my house has become a challenge. prolong sitting, standing, sex, and any normal activity enhances the pain. Lately, it seems to move around to my side feeling like it goes around to my back. It has been debilitating. I can no longer do the activities I was capable of doing a year ago. I have been in the ER a coupIe times and they suspected appendix but ruled that out because it would come and go and blood test were normal. I force myself to continue to go on and try to get some of my life activities back,
    With breaks of laying down as this is my one relief. When I wake up in the morning I am pain free and think whatever it is its gone. Unfortunately as the day progresses from doing everyday task it starts all over again and has started to progress to my side, which then follows around to my belly button and groin area. I had 2 children, one by C-section which may have left scar tissue or adhesions , (according to dr’s) which I was told there would be nothing that could be done. I also was told it could be fibroids, muscle problems, hip degeneration, etc.
    But, what has really been a major concern is that I have for the last 5-6 months having a constipation problem, I have been taking a laxative for constipation every day. After I move my bowels with some moderate bearing down, within a few minutes I am having the burning and ripping pain.
    I have had CAT scans with and without contrast, a Small Bowel Follow Through, ultra sounds, colonoscopy and endoscopy. I have seen 2 Gastrologists, General Practioner’s , the General Surgeon who did the gallbladder and who refuses to see me as he stated if its adhesions or scar tissue there is nothing he can do.
    (all men) and my Gynecologist(women) who had to refrain from a Pap smear because the pain was so bad. She was the only one who even mentioned it might be a possible hernia, or a hidden hernia. She thought she may have felt a small protrusion, but wanted me to see a surgeon. She stated that a hidden hernia may not be seen in the tests that have been taken because your laying down for these tests and a hernia might not show up.
    The last Gastroligist ( from the Cleveland clinic) wanted me to go to pain management (which I refuse to mask and get on pain pills)thought I
    could get injections to block the nerves and continue taking a laxative daily.He also stated that “I was going to have to just live with it.” None of
    These doctors viewed my test they just read the radiologist reports and all
    the doctors except for my gynecologist would only check me laying down, even after I told them when I lay down the small bulge goes away, then the next thing I am told is” woman don’t get hernias”. A few doctors never even pressed on my side standing or laying down.
    This is just a brief summary of what has been happening over the last year. My life is no longer my own, and i feel like Im crazy and that everybody else thinks I’m crazy!
    Please, I know my body,
    there is something wrong.
    I am at my wits end and you are my last hope. I don’t want to continue to live like this. Please I want my life back!

    Sent from my iPhone

    aminuts replied 9 years, 7 months ago 2 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • drtowfigh

    August 1, 2015 at 11:11 pm

    Could this be a hidden hernia ?

    Your hernias are small and have fat not intestine so cramps are not “dangerous” signs. Usually, we would be concerned that cramping implies a hernia is causing intestines to be trapped if there is a cramping going on, especially if it is unrelenting, and with bloating, nausea, or other signs of intestinal involvement.

    Any signs of worsening include redness, warmth in the area, severe tenderness to touch. You need emergency attention at that time.

    I look forward to seeing you. Driving or flight ok. Whatever works for you. I had a lovely couple drive 5 days from Canada!

  • aminuts

    July 28, 2015 at 5:57 pm

    Could this be a hidden hernia ?

    Hi Dr Towfigh
    Well I’m scheduled with you for a consult on August 18 and proposed surgery on the 20. I just have a couple questions, first I can tell my symptoms are now daily and worsening. I’ve noticed more cramping in both groins along with the other symptoms as well as some
    Nausea on occasion. (1) Is the cramping something I should be concerned with? As you know your very popular, so I am with the earliest appointment available. (2) Should I have a back up dr here on the east coast that you could recomend. Dr. Ramshaw is in his transition to relocate so not an option. I had a massage today for relaxation and just being on my stomach and having lower back done gave me the worse cramps about 30 min after. I’m assuming that’s what caused it ( So no more back rubs til taken care of). I laid down and iced and helped a little. I refrain from er as I know it will be same sonerio nothing wrong!
    I almost jumped on plane and considered er there, then they would call you haha! I’ve researched and know you are the dr to do this with a positve outcome and no complications(4 years long enough).
    Lastly, (3) contemplating driving(my husband and sister not me) so I can get up more often and lay if needed or should I bare the flight.
    I’m sorry to be a bother, I just want to make sure I’m ok to wait 3 more weeks and the best option for travel now.

    Thank you
    P.S. Myron and Sheila the best!!!

  • drtowfigh

    July 23, 2015 at 6:35 am

    Could this be a hidden hernia ?

    Looking forward to taking care of you!

  • aminuts

    July 20, 2015 at 9:54 pm

    Could this be a hidden hernia ?

    Dear Dr Towfigh,
    Saw Dr Ramshaw on Thursday July 16. A physical exam was performed and a right inguinal hernia confirmed. Also in left is a small hernia or weekend wall. Dr Ramshaw stated it would be checked as well as femoral during surgery. I’m sure your aware of his relocating to another state so surgery would be 3 to 6 months out. I have decided to have you perform the surgery and he will be submitting a report of his findings to you.

    Just a quick question, you stated MRI confirmed diagnosis, ( I have not had MRI and Dr Ramshaw felt it unnecessary) is this something that is mandatory for you? I am tested out and I don’t think I could handle MRI.

    I will contact Sheila on scheduling the surgery and look forward to meeting you in person and getting my life back. Thank you so much for everything you have done and will do.

    To all who read this forum and are in a familiar situation, DONT GIVE UP!!!

  • drtowfigh

    July 4, 2015 at 5:36 am

    Could this be a hidden hernia ?

    Ok, good luck.

    Dr. Ramshaw can at the least confirm your diagnosis and point you in the right direction. Good luck with that and thanks for keeping us in the loop.

    CPR involves a lot of ab-work. I can imagine it can definitely irritate a hernia.

    Your CT did show a hernia of the right groin, and MRI confirmed it. The repeat CT scan you had recently should show the same. The reading may not have focused on it, which is not uncommon, unfortunately, as hernias are often not read or misread. This is the reason that I insist on reading my own images and do not rely on reports alone. We are trying to publish our results on exactly this problem, as we have noted that the majority of CT scans (70-80%) are either misread about hernias or no hernia is commented on at all, despite the fact that there is one on the image. Radiology is truly more of an art than a science.

  • aminuts

    July 3, 2015 at 4:17 am

    Could this be a hidden hernia ?

    Hello Dr Towfigh just wanted to post update.
    I am through taking care of everyone else and now it’s my turn. About three weeks ago an emergency in a store occurred where I had to perform CPR. When EMS arrived I got up and was in a lot of pain mostly right but now intermittent on left as well. I had made an appointment with Dr Ramshaw whom you recomended and will see on July 16. Had a few episodes and saw my primary and took your notes from the online consultation and he ordered ct scan with and without contrast and valsalva. Same results as the one a year ago no hernia but noted again mild to moderate degenerative hips. Of course I was sure something would show since the pain has increased and comes more often as well as last longer. I received a call from dr Ramshaw’s office who informed me he is not taking new patients for surgery as they maybe Relocating but will still see me for a consultation. Not sure if it is in my head now and that it’s caused by my degenerative hips I am keeping the appointment as my last quest for an answer. If he feels it is hernia he would recommend a surgeon or I could come see you. If he feels it is a hernia/hernias I will be coming to California and hope I will be posting “I
    Have my life back” to encourage others to not give up!!! Wish me luck and I will post the outcome of
    My appointment with Dr Ramshaw.

  • drtowfigh

    October 13, 2014 at 4:39 am

    Could this be a hidden hernia ?

    Dr Bruce Ramshaw is an amazingly knowledgeable and talented hernia specialist. He is in Daytona FL. He can help.

  • aminuts

    October 12, 2014 at 7:01 pm

    Could this be a hidden hernia ?

    Dear Dr
    In a previous conversation prior to reports you had mentioned Dr Ramshaw, is this who you would recommend I see for a consultation and possibly schedule the MRI Valvasia ? Also did you notice any possible scar tissue that could be the cause?
    Thank you

  • aminuts

    September 25, 2014 at 11:34 am

    Could this be a hidden hernia ?

    Thank you I was sure hoping you would have seen something on ct or Ultrasounds. If I just wait will it get worst making it more easily diagnosed if it is in fact a hernia? I’m beginning to think maybe it is scar tissue of which nothing can be done. Not to keen on MRI and finding one who is skilled to Do it. Just feel like its a loosing battle.Ill see how I feel and keep you posted.
    Thank you for your time and expertise.

  • drtowfigh

    September 23, 2014 at 6:03 am

    Could this be a hidden hernia ?

    No no no. You are not crazy. Your pain is real. You do not have to live with it.

    In fact, your story is a textbook case of a hernia. It’s been a long time since I have heard a story that points to a hernia from every single aspect.

    First, examination must be done standing.

    Second, your story is perfect for a hernia.

    Third, CT scan is very poor and inaccurate for smaller occult hidden hernias. We just published this data last month. Look up “Role of Imaging in Occult Hernias” in JAMA Surgery. MRI with valsalva is next step. And of course a skilled radiologist or surgeon specialist should interpret it.

    Do not give up. Find a surgeon who is a “believer”, as I call them, get your hernia(s) repaired, and move on with your joyous pain free life.

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