CT scan vs MRI for identifying abdominal hernia?
Which is better for identifying abdominal hernias, CT scan or MRI? Ultrasound confirmed two small fat containing reducible inguinal hernias for me, but I told my surgeon that the majority of the symptoms I feel like pain, bulging/pulling sensation is higher up than my groin, right under my left rib cage. He said that since they are inguinal I should be feeling that much lower. Surgeon recommended I get a CT scan but the amount of radiation concerns me. Has anyone here had theirs identified through MRI? Is MRI as efficient when scanning the abdominal area? This wouldn’t be my first CT scan, I’ve had one in 2017 so that adds on to the worry for me since I’ve already been exposed. I’ve read CT scans are one of those things you only want to have once because of the risks
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