Do I Have a Hidden/Occult Hernia?
I am a 56 year old female suffering from abdominal pain, pressure, swelling, and bloating for the past 16 months. I have seen over a dozen doctors, had almost 20 procedures, and numerous labs. And I have no answers. I was perfectly healthy before this. I ate well, slept well, exercised 5-6 days a week, took no medications. Then on 3/23/15-out of the blue-I felt a sharp burning pain go across my abdomen right above my belly button. It only lasted for 15-20 seconds but it took my breath away. About 30 minutes later, my abdomen starting swelling. After another 30 minutes I could feel my abdomen swelling even more and I had to unbutton and unzip my pants. Since then I have had a terrible, gnawing feeling in the abdomen. I can only describe the pain as pieces of glass floating around in there or as someone touching my insides. It makes my skin crawl. The swelling on my abdomen has never gone done. My pain level ranges between 2-8. I never know from day to day how I will feel. Sometimes I have the pain and other times I have pressure that pushes down to the pelvic area. I have seen 3 gynecologists, 6 gastroenterologists, 1 endocrinologist, 1 infectious disease doctor, 1 orthopedist, 1 urologist and have been to the ER. I have had 5 ultrasounds, 1 ct scan, 1 mri, 1 thoracic mri, 2 hyda scans, 1 small bowel series, 1 colonoscopy, 1 endoscopy, 1 endoscopic ultrasound, 1 hysteroscopy, 1 cystoscopy, and a scan for an abdominal aortic aneurysm. The procedures show everything is normal. But I am not normal. I cannot stand for more than 40 minutes at a time. I cannot sit for more than 40 minutes. The only time I have relief is when I am lying down. Thank goodness I can sleep at night. I do have trouble bending over and also squatting down. When I do my pain level goes up and also I can feel some type of mass in there at the area where I am bending and it is very uncomfortable. I have asked 3 of my doctors if I might have a hernia. They all said no it would have shown up on the scans. Interestingly, any time I am examined or have a procedure, I am always lying down. Therefore, it’s not surprising that they find nothing. The conclusion is that my abdominal issues are not female related, they are not food or bowel movement related. There seems to be nothing wrong with my body structurally. But after reading articles about hidden/occult hernias, I am wondering if that is what I have? I asked 2 of my doctors and they had never heard of that type of hernia; only hiatal hernias. I would appreciate any insight into my symptoms and also any doctors here in the Houston area who might be able to help. Thanks!
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