gabapentin and nerve pain
Hello everyone,
I’m just curious if anyone has experience using gabapentin for nerve pain? Had a consult today with a local surgeon my doctor recommended me for chronic pain and he gave me a prescription for 300mg gabapentin three times a day. It seems to be working for the nerve sensations so far but I have only taken one dose and I am worried about potential side effects. Unfortunately it seems to do nothing for the chronic foreign body sensation/pulling sensation that is constantly there in my groin and my hip (it feels like I have a large stiff mass inside my groin). The next step my surgeon recommended if the gabapentin doesnt work is injection into the illioinguinal and/or genitofemoral nerve. I am leaning towards mesh removal as I think the problem is more than just nerves but he said he wants to use mesh removal as a last resort. For anyone who hasn’t read my initial story with my inguinal hernia and mesh I had parietex polyester split mesh implanted laparoscopically (TEP) in May of 2018 and started having problems about 3-4 months after the initial surgery. I also have a consultation with Dr Earle in MA in a little over a week so looking forward to that. The surgeon I’ve seen today has only performed a handful of mesh removals so I think Dr Earle would be a better choice for that.
Thanks everyone for your input.
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