News Feed Discussions Groin Pain – 4+ years of pain and frustration

  • Groin Pain – 4+ years of pain and frustration

    Posted by rlevin47 on September 20, 2015 at 3:58 pm

    Hi all.
    4 1/2 Years of Pain, Life consuming search for answers. and loss of quality of life.
    68 years old male. Try to be very active: Biking, Skiing, Tennis, Walking, Working out and Traveling.

    Time LIne:
    January 2011 Got Direct Right Inguinal Hernia
    February 2011 Open Hernia surgery a Gore Bio A Plug was used without a patch.
    March/April 2011 Within weeks of the surgery started having Groin Pain: Gnawing Pain – Aching Pain – Sensitivity in the area.

    March/April 2011 Within the first 4 to 6 weeks I felt a popping feeling. Asked the Dr. he said that is a good thing??? I have been told by several Surgeons since that is probably when the 1st Hernia went bad.

    December 2011 Pain was starting to be livable toward the end of the year.

    November 2012: Pain got worse
    December 2012: Hernia Reappeared
    March 2013: Laposcopic Hernia Surgery Done. Mesh Used. I had a Pantaloon Hernia. Direct and Indirect.
    September 2013: Pain was somewhat livable thru Sept 2013.
    Since: Pain issues have returned. Pain takes on 2 different symptoms at different times: Area on right side very tender and irritated at times. Pain in the area of the right pubic bone.

    Treatments: Nerve Blocks Mapped 4 Times. Acupuncture. Dry Needling. Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy. Compound Creams Topical.

    January 28, 2015: Had a Right targeted robotic microsurgical Denervation of the Spermatic Cord. Done at the PUR Clinic in St. Cloud FL.
    Outcome: First 2 months pains was a lot worse. Then the pain improved some for a few months and now has gone back to being as painful as before or maybe worse?
    Next step: Micro-Cryoablation of the Peri-Spermatic Cord???
    After that: Botox Injections???
    After That: ????????

    Any suggestions or help from the Dr’s out there would be much appreciated.

    drtowfigh replied 9 years, 5 months ago 4 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • tokidoki

    October 5, 2015 at 7:34 pm

    Groin Pain – 4+ years of pain and frustration

    Sounds like my story with almost the same timeline at the start and I almost had denervation surgery. Come to find out it was a femoral hernia causing all of the problems. They found it during my surgery to fix the first inguinal hernia surgery.

  • drtowfigh

    October 3, 2015 at 6:38 am

    Groin Pain – 4+ years of pain and frustration

    I am familiar with the PUR Clinic and Dr Parekattil’s work. They do a lot of good work for Patients with vas deferens and spermatic cord problems.

    If you do not have pain radiating to the testicle, then what was the purpose of the spermatic cord denervation?

    I wonder if your problem is at the level of the open tissue repair. Dr Ramshaw can help with that. He is now in Knoxville, TN.

  • rlevin47

    September 26, 2015 at 6:21 pm

    Groin Pain – 4+ years of pain and frustration

    Thanks for the reply.
    The pain started soon after the 1st open surgery and before the hernia reappeared.
    Dr Ramshaw thought the pain might be from the hernia going bad. The pain did not go away after his re-repair.

    The Groin Pain is a Gnawing Pain – Aching Pain around the pubic bone and spermatic cord and Sensitivity in the area. The intensity of the pain changes all the time. sometimes, but rarely very little to no pain. Other times the knawing pain 6 to 8 on the scale. Then other times the area around the pubic bone and below becomes very irritated.
    What sets it off? Sometimes exercise(fast walking, pickleball, biking, etc.). Sometimes it feels somewhat better after exercise. Usually not. I try to stay active. I have always been very active. This has affective my activity participation very much.

    The pain does not radiate to the testicle, around the back, down the leg? Just slightly down the groin are but not far.

    By the way the PUR Clinic is not in St Cloud FL it is in Clermont FL.

    January 28, 2015: Had a Right targeted robotic microsurgical Denervation of the Spermatic Cord. Done at the PUR Clinic in St. Cloud FL.

    Are you familiar with any of Dr Parekattil’s work?

    Thank you very much for showing interest in my issue. Any further thought would be appreciated.

    Thanks again

  • drtowfigh

    September 26, 2015 at 4:07 pm

    Groin Pain – 4+ years of pain and frustration

    Sounds like you initially had groin pain due to recurrence from the first operation.

    The Gore BioA plug is absorbable. As far as I know, it’s intended to be used with the patch. I don’t use it.

    Then after the laparoscopic hernia repair with mesh, you have pain. The question is why? Is this another recurrence? A balling up of the mesh (meshoma?) pain related to a nerve injury or spermatic cord injury?

    To help answer that, we need the following:

    – what is the type and quality of pain? Does it radiate to the testicle, around the back, down the leg?
    – exactly where is the pain?
    – what sets off the pain? Is it constant or related to certain activities?
    – imaging will help show recurrence of meshoma. I would order an MRI with valsalva in my practice

    These are all part of a thorough work up to get to the answer so that your pain treatment can be efficient and effective.

  • Chaunce1234

    September 24, 2015 at 2:32 pm

    Groin Pain – 4+ years of pain and frustration

    That’s quite a story. I’m sorry you’re going through this. Consider trying a Medrol DosePak, followed by 3 weeks of naprosyn twice per day. Use ice, heat, and myoflex cream on a schedule to be determined by trial and error. This is a one week course of oral steriods, followed by nonsteriodal anti-inflammatory. I like to think of this like there are still hot coals under dirt put on a fire, and the oral medication is like water seeping down through the dirt and extinguishing the hot coals. I have seen some remarkable success with this, and some that didn’t work. It is easy, and low risk. It could be this simple…

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