News Feed Discussions Help With Hernia Pain

  • Help With Hernia Pain

    Posted by brady_wakefield on October 27, 2016 at 2:36 am

    I am a U.S. veteran and had a left inguinal laparoscopic hernia repair in the military in 2013. After the surgery I had some pain and severe swelling in my left testicle. Doctor’s stated that it was normal and I continued my military career, until after a year from my surgery date I still had pain and swelling in my left testicle and pain groin. As i was part of a very physical airborne unit giving in was not a option until one day we were snowed in and I was able to rest for approximately a week. I noticed that the swelling in my testicle went down and my pain eased. Then once right back into my physical duties the pain in my groin got severe again and the swelling came back in my testicle along with pain. I went to the medic’s who sent me to the hospital to a surgeon who stated that my hernia didn’t come back so it has to be my testicle and I was referred first to a urologist who did a spermatic cord block on my left testicle and left me in more severe pain than before. After that I was left with erectile dysfunction and if I became sexually aroused I became in severe pain and my testicle and groin pain only got worse. I was then sent to a pain management clinic at the army hospital and was given a inguinal nerve block without none ultrasound guided and the doctor missed the nerve and hit my epigastric artery and left me in so much pain I was hospitalized and unable to walk including no fix to my problem. I was given more pain meds than a pharmacy clinic and was passed around as if nobody had any idea on what to do. I have been on all nerve meds and narcotic meds known to man and found zero relieve. I have zero use of my penis and if I try it is painful when given viagra ejaculation is extremely painful if I am even able to make it to that. I have had another series of nerve blocks prior to exiting the military and again did not work and was left in worse condition thn before. 2015 I was discharged from the military and the VA is stating that they can not remove the mesh as I will not only lose my left testicle, but I will lose or have a high chance at losing my left leg. I need help, I am a father, a husband, a son, a veteran and human and I am only 27 years old. I can go in more, but I don’t want to lose anyone interest I just need help

    WasInTN replied 8 years, 3 months ago 5 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • Beenthere

    November 7, 2016 at 5:32 pm

    Help With Hernia Pain

    Sorry to hear of your problems. Yours seems much worse than what I went through but the story is very similar. WasInTn and Dr Towfigh gave you the Dr.s you need to see. There are a lot of quote experts but only a handful that are truly experts. Do everything you can with your insurance company, it took me two years and seeing about 8 of their experts, only to find out after asking the these experts very specific questions they did not have the knowledge, experience or ability to perform this very hard surgery without the risks you describe. Also ask the Dr.s staff the same questions dig deep and hard and you will start to see the truth. Like Dr Goodyear I think has done over 15K hernia surgery with also a large volume for corrective surgeries compared to your local guy that might do a few hernia surgeries a year and no corrective surgeries.

    Wish you the best.

  • WasInTN

    October 28, 2016 at 12:46 pm

    Help With Hernia Pain

    From what you wrote – I guessed your location correctly. 🙂 My hunch is that you HAVE TO MOVE OUT OF TX for a good surgeon. Stop seeing your VA and military guys. They screwed you up enough.

    It will now cost money to go to FL (RamShaw) or CA (Chen, Towfigh) or Dr. Goodyear (PA). Assume about $5K is not your money and get your health back. If I were you I will go to Ramshaw in FL and talk to him about no insurance payment that you can arrange someway.

    AND I WILL NEVER go back to the guy who says you lose your leg. No way.

  • drtowfigh

    October 28, 2016 at 3:17 am

    Help With Hernia Pain

    No referral. Just call to make an appointment. The doctor’s office should take care of the rest or may seek a referral from your medical doctor. It depends on your insurance and the doctor.

    I recommend Ramshaw, Chen, or myself as we have the largest experience in the nation if not the world.

    Depending on the situation, I work with a urologist and I prefer to perform mesh removals with robotic assistance as my research study has shown that my results in terms of cure is best using that technique.

    There is a hope for cure.

  • brady_wakefield

    October 28, 2016 at 3:10 am

    Help With Hernia Pain

    How can I get a referral to you or someone you recommend ?

  • brady_wakefield

    October 28, 2016 at 3:07 am

    Help With Hernia Pain

    I am located in Dallas, TX and go to the Dallas VA and they are the ones that are saying I am going to lose my testicle and leg. I did have a small hydrocele and some kind of cyst, at least that is what the last urologist told me at Duke University in NC while I was stationed in Fort Bragg. I have not heard or been told about the varicocele nor have I been told that I have one. I have tried to use my private insurance through my job and they denied the claim as the VA and Tricare did not take the paperwork that stated I was covered during the time of the hernia and hernia complications. I just saw another doctor at the VA yesterday who told me about this page and wanted me to put it out there for help, because he told me I either need to have every nerve burned or removed and refused to remove the mesh because he said I was at such a high risk to lose my leg and testicle. I am lost and I need help, I have had spermatic cord blocks, nerve blocks and more medications than I even have wanted to be on just to be told I am going to have to live like this forever and deal with it. I am hoping this page helps or yo can point me in the right direction. Thank you for your time

  • brady_wakefield

    October 28, 2016 at 2:51 am

    Help With Hernia Pain

    Thank you for your response and I am now out of the military and I do live in Texas now. I have consulted at least 5 civilian surgeons and over 10 VA and military surgeons. Going after the doctor is not a option, already tried can’t sue or fight the military if they mess up medically because it is in the fine print of the contract and they don’t normal side with the enlisted verses officers. I have avoided lossing my testicle or my leg. I will look into these doctors you mentioned and I will keep fighting because I know there is light at the end of the tunnel I just don’t want to get to far down that tunnel and miss the moments to the end. Thank you again

  • drtowfigh

    October 28, 2016 at 2:45 am

    Help With Hernia Pain


    Ok, lots to discuss here.

    First comment: you are at very very low risk of losing your testicle and virtually no risk of losing your leg if mesh removal is performed, especially by a skilled laparoscopic or robotic surgeon who has experience.

    It’s a very complex algorithm to follow to determine exactly why you have pain. My hunch is you may have an obstruction of your spermatic cord by the mesh placement. I’ve seen it before. Mesh removal is a cure.

    Other things to rule out include hydrocele, varicocele.

    This does not on its own sound like a nerve issue.

    You really need to see a specialist for this problem otherwise you are at risk of delay in diagnosis, care, and significant decrease in your quality of life.

    What is your situation in terms of which civilian doctors you can seek attention from? I know of great hernia surgeons at the VA but they don’t have experience in revisional or complex operations of this level.

  • brady_wakefield

    October 28, 2016 at 2:41 am

    Help With Hernia Pain

    Thank you for your response, I have been to various of civilian doctors while I was in the military and now that I am out they refuse to VA refuses to pay. I have insurance through my job and was just denied for coverage because they said it is prior to being covered by them and I had to prove that I had insurance, but by the time the VA and tricare gave them the forms and documents saying I was on tricare and covered under the VA they denied my claim. I am attempting to appeal it and am hitting a lot of road blocks and a VA doctor sent me here for help. I am sorry that your repair had complications as well and I hope you are doing better.

  • WasInTN

    October 27, 2016 at 2:12 pm

    Help With Hernia Pain

    Just forgot to add…

    Without consulting second, third, fourth or even a fifth medical opinion, (Even if that amounts to separating from military for work), do NOT EVER ALLOW any doctor to cut of testicle or legs from your body.


    First you need at least 3 or 4 EXPERT surgeons to agree (not just one fresh off the boat MD or a GENERAL SURGEON who advertises himself as an expert surgeon) about it before you go for another surgery.

    Do talk to Dr. Goodyear and Dr. Ramshaw. Dr. G can call you back on phone for free consultation and I did that with him. But about Dr. Ramshaw I do nto know if he would do phone calls. But he is a VEERY highly spoken of surgeon.

    I also heard there is another surgeon in CA (name sounds like a Chinese name like Yun or Yen) who is very good.

  • WasInTN

    October 27, 2016 at 1:57 pm

    Help With Hernia Pain

    Sorry to hear your story. You should do two things at this point. You did not provide location of your US Stay. So it is hard to know where you are but for some reason I believe you are in TX – Airborne field told me that but I am of course wrong.

    1. I am not sure as a veteran you can do this or not, but file complaint on the surgeons. They both seem rookies to me and tell the VA or the hospital what happened. Or even to the upper bosses to the level of Colonel and Sgt Mjr.

    2. Seek a surgeon (examples Dr. Goodyear in PA or Dr Ramshaw in FL) and get this straightened out. Those are the best in field of hernia surgery. If you are in CA do talk to Dr. Towfigh.

    And at age 27 you really do not deserve it. With opinions of Dr Goodyear or Dr. Ramshaw you should be able to get your life back and possible bar the surgeons who did this to you, to not repeat those surgeries on others or better yet, bar them from medical profession (unlikely since the bosses will side with the surgeons). But you will have better life.

    If nobody wants to pay for it, do use crowd funding, facebook and all kinds of things and do go to a better surgeon. Money comes and goes but your life once goes, cannot come back easily.

    And finally do come back and tell us how this was resolved. All the best.

  • mela414

    October 27, 2016 at 11:35 am

    Help With Hernia Pain

    Sorry you have endured so much. It sounds horrific. I had a laporoscopic surgery once and they accidentally severed my inferior epigastric artery. They used 4 clips to stop the bleeding. It took a very long time to heal
    From that and more surgeries to clean up the adhesion mess and remove the clips.
    I don’t know what the answer is to your specific problem but hoping dr Towfigh will give you some guidance. No one should have to live like that.
    Things have to get better. You are too young for all these problems and such pain. Hang in there. Why don’t you use the search bar in this forum to find a good hernia surgeon in you area and at least go for a consult.
    All the best and thank you for your service.

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