Hernia mesh and pelvic mesh–Medical Twins?
Hernia mesh and pelvic mesh–Medical Twins?
“100,000 women in U.S. sue for malfunctioning pelvic mesh”; “UK bans its use there.” As you read more into this matter you find striking parallels with hernia mesh:
• use of polypropylene, material sure to shrink and misshapen according to chemists as it is “well known for being oxidatively
• product names claimed the problem such as Bard, Ethicon, etc.
• FDA practice that rubber stamped their use
• an American medical association’s support of their use marred by being in financial conflict with the mesh industry
• patient stories of pain not merely psychosomatic
• surgeons who reconcile with the notion that such mishaps occur only with 1% to 5% of the time and by implication, are
• such surgeons largely come to this view by anecdote–their own guess based on their on practice because reliable large-scale
data is virtually absentMuch can be learned by the pelvic mesh crisis.
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