News Feed Discussions Hernia pain after exercising – ONE year later ? Any others experience it?

  • Hernia pain after exercising – ONE year later ? Any others experience it?

    Posted by Clevelandhernia on March 27, 2019 at 4:49 pm

    I had double hernia inguinal surgery with mesh – one year ago. I healed well – did a half IRONMAN last year about 6 months after surgery – and do Crossfit 4-5 times a week. Nothing over the top – and have never felt the surgery area in months, maybe 6 months. Recently, doing box step ups – i felt a sharp pain, dropped the weight, and have been very SORE (maybe a 4-5 pain) in literally the place where the surgery took place, only on the right. I have not done any squats or crossfit since then, going on day 4. i did 20 mins of “stepper / stair training” as I think some blood to it could help.

    HAs anyone felt this pain from weightlifting – what did you do – how long do I wait to go back to lifting / squatting, etc…and do I need to contact my physician for an x ray or CT? I don’t feel like anything ripped out- it just feels sore, similar to how i felt after the surgery. should i not do anything for a week? or is exercise a good thing? How about stretching the groin / hamstring area? All help wanted!

    DrBrown replied 5 years, 11 months ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • DrBrown

    April 2, 2019 at 3:45 pm

    Dear Clevelandhernia
    Light exercise is usually helpful. But listen to your body. Avoid activities that cause any sharp pain.
    You should also ask for a copy of your operative report and a copy of any photos taken during the operation.
    Keep us updated about your progress.
    Bill Brown MD

  • Clevelandhernia

    March 28, 2019 at 7:23 pm

    Thanks for the responses Dr. Brown and bmul100!

    I believe I had the synthetic mesh – I do not have any documentation if it was heavy or light. The surgery was laparoscopic, so not open. I have been taking tumeric and advil daily – and it seems a bit better- so i will continue this path for at least another week. It simply feels a bit tight in the “mesh” area where the surgery took place- and was wondering how long I should take off from any activity? Is this a 1-2 week take off completely, or a 3-4 completely, or a slow and gradual come back?

    I’m sorry to hear about your pain as well. I am a 41 year old male in decent shape, 23 BMI, so I fully expect to be back to the gym. Just need to know estimated timing, and if I am aggravating it by getting on the stepper, or if the blood flow is good for it?

  • bmul100

    March 27, 2019 at 11:17 pm

    Yep. This happened to me. It’s the mesh that is causing you pain. It has caused me to have to stop working out. Mesh isn’t for active people in general. Do you know what mesh you have? Was it open surgery? Lightweight or heavyweight? It might help us offer suggestions if you know what type of surgery or mesh you had?

  • DrBrown

    March 27, 2019 at 8:39 pm

    Dear Clevelandhernia.
    I would advise a couple of weeks of rest, heat, NSAIDS. Then slowly return to lower core exercises.
    If you still have pain then see your surgeon.
    He/she will check you for recurrent hernia, fibrosis of the mesh, strain.
    Bill Brown MD

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