News Feed Discussions Hernia repair without anesthesia

  • Hernia repair without anesthesia

    Posted by Nanarose on March 1, 2016 at 10:22 am

    Thank You. I will try again. Dr. Towfigh, you being an expert in Hernia Surgeries, what in your opinion are the best tests to correctly diagnose a hernia and what kind of a hernia, i.e. femoral, inguinial and so forth and if it is a Hernia causing a person symptoms, i.e. bladder woes, low pelvic pains, low back discomfort, vaginal distress, etc. In the past I have had tests done for other reasons and a small hernia always shows up stating “fat incased” One US for another reason showed a Hernia, Intestine incased. No one made mention of these and I never questioned these incidental findings. Now, looking back, I wonder if all the heavy lifting I did in the past, is now plying havoc on me. I see a URO/GYN today for pelvic and bladder pains. I had a total hysto years ago and other female surgeries long ago. I want to be able to ask this URO/GYN the right questions and see if it could be hernia related and have the right tests ordered. So, many doctors are not up on this. Also, have you done surgery on a patient that could not have general anesthesia due to heart problems and being an older female. Thank You for your time and for this forum.

    Nanarose replied 9 years ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Nanarose

    March 8, 2016 at 11:51 am

    Posting never appeared

    P.S. On my earlier post, I meant to say that I am happy to hear that I can have a hernia treated via Local Anesthesia…not locally. I truly do not think we have experts in this city. for hernia/groin repair. They may claim they are experts but are they really?? I have done research. If two of the Texan Players had groin issues then why were they sent to Pennsylvania for surgery. Food for thought. My Take is they wanted one of the best in the country. Seems to me there is a very short list of these experts…and you know who they are. (-: God Bless You for bringing smiles back on your patient’s faces.

  • Nanarose

    March 7, 2016 at 12:06 pm

    Posting never appeared

    Thank You, Doctor. I did see the URO/GYN last Tuesday. I felt very uncomfortable telling her that i had some testing done the past 3-4 years for the same type problems and yes, a Ventral Hernia and bilateral Inguinal hernias did appear on a Ultrasound, MRI and a CT scan looking for a reason for my discomfort. I told her that I did not return to the former doctors as they did not have a clue. My honest comments turned her off. I could tell she was not interested in me. She was aloof. Her RX was HYDROXYZINE HCL 25mg, at night. This will help with all Pelvic Pain, she said. Hmmm. She also RX’d Premarin Cream and Nystatin Powder. She said the bulge in the right groin was a pulled muscle. She took a Urine sample and I have not heard results. She told me to return in 3 months. I don;t think so. Meanwhile, my Cardio’s nurse called me on Friday and asked how the appointment went. She got an earful. They are taking this doctor off their list. Today the RN is calling another doctor (Internal Med) and requesting an appointment for me ASAP. I am so happy that if indeed a hernia is the root of my discomfort that I can have this treated, locally. I have even talked about bringing my Cardio with me where I would have surgery. Costly? Yes, but well worth the price to be pain free.

  • drtowfigh

    March 7, 2016 at 5:46 am

    Posting never appeared

    We have published on this topic of how it is best to evaluate a hernia. You can read it here:

    And here:

    If the examination is not obvious for a hernia, imaging is necessary. Ultrasound and MRI are most useful. CT scan less so. Regardless of the study, if it’s not correctly interpreted then it’s not useful. In our study ¾ of all studies misdiagnosed or under-diagnosed hernias.

    And yes, almost all inguinal hernias can be performed without general anesthesia and some even without sedation and using local anesthesia alone.

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