News Feed Discussions Hidden hernia, undiagnosed, very frustrated

  • Hidden hernia, undiagnosed, very frustrated

    Posted by JCS on January 18, 2016 at 1:37 am

    I’m new to your forum, and have had 15 years of “hernia’ symptoms. In Jan. ’99 I had my gall bladder removed. Nov. ’99 delivered 11+ pound baby, vaginal. Nov. 2001 straining to use bathroom (as always constipated), a bulge ‘popped’ up from my stomach area (as if an alien punched me in the stomach from the inside out), I quickly jumped up and pushed/kneaded it back in. This has occurred intermittently since then. Due to non-diagnosis, kids, cancer (’06 NHL), work, etc., still dealing with this. I have had many CT scans at Upenn, ultrasounds, and numerous doctor’s visits to doctor’s highly regarded in their field. All have said “no, you do not have a hernia”. The last physician said he could do exploratory, and would fix the hernia that is by my belly button (from gall bladder laparoscopic site presumably). That one is not the problem, nor did I know about it until most recent CT scan. It’s the one above my belly button, to the right, next to the other incision site from the gall bladder. The “popping out” now happens all the time from coughing, sneezing, yoga, twisting. It seems anything I do, and it’s very scary, as though my insides are twisting into something and its painful. That has been the scenario every time, and I used to be able to thwart this, but now I never know when it will occur. I don’t know what additional tests/studies to have done in order to resolve this? My oncologist at Penn told me to wear a belt if “it” bothered me so much, but that wouldn’t prevent this bulging/pushing back in from happening at all. My sister, a nurse has told me to make sure it doesn’t become incarcerated as this is pretty dangerous. I’m feeling this has been a long drawn out time of it, with no real answers. I’m hoping you all may share with me your opinions. I also appreciate you taking your time with this forum. Best,

    drtowfigh replied 8 years, 11 months ago 2 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • JCS

    March 26, 2016 at 7:51 pm

    Hidden hernia, undiagnosed, very frustrated

    Thank you, I will be getting the MRI April 4th and will make sure my doctor adds that to the study.

    Many thanks,

  • drtowfigh

    March 26, 2016 at 3:55 pm

    Hidden hernia, undiagnosed, very frustrated

    MRI anterior pelvis, no contrast, with valsalva (bear down views), with images in all 3 planes

  • JCS

    March 23, 2016 at 1:04 pm

    Hidden hernia, undiagnosed, very frustrated

    Hello and thank you for your answers. I recently took all my files, scans, ultrasounds to Johns Hopkins for another look. My physical exam was lying down, as well as standing up coughing, and bending over. Nothing “pushed through” at that point, as I know when this happens or not. My question at this point is what different type of MRI (MRA?) would help with diagnosis of this? My situation is worsened by any abdominal exercises, or a very bad cold/cough-whereas the bubbling piece of something seems to get trapped and pushes outward. I’m checking in with my primary doctor today for a script and value your opinion as to next steps. I also was planning an evaluation by you once I have all testing done. I realize this is online (with a fee), and I will submit a packet of information. If you think I should be adding anything prior to my sending you this, please let me know.



  • drtowfigh

    January 27, 2016 at 11:03 pm

    Hidden hernia, undiagnosed, very frustrated

    If you feel a popping out and that is reducible then for sure any such hernia can be seen on CT scan, ultrasound, or MRI.

    Hernias can occur either at the scar from your prior surgery or in the midline between your belly button and your chest bone. Sometimes, these are falciform ligament hernias. Someone has to very carefully look at your films.

  • JCS

    January 22, 2016 at 11:51 am

    Hidden hernia, undiagnosed, very frustrated

    Hi Dr. Towfigh,

    I do not have a picture of it, on film, or otherwise. It is located above the belly button, to the right, between two scars from gall bladder removal. I cannot make it bulge out enough to see, or take a picture to produce what you might be asking. The bulging, or popping out occurs under layer of fat/muscle (?) intermittently, and I’ve always pushed it back in when this has occurred. Last week was the first time it took more than a minute to knead back into place.

  • drtowfigh

    January 22, 2016 at 6:11 am

    Hidden hernia, undiagnosed, very frustrated

    Thank you for joining!!

    Where exactly is the bulge? You can post a picture of that helps.

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