News Feed Discussions Incisional Hernia, Component Separation, Mesh, Botox, Diverticulitis

  • Incisional Hernia, Component Separation, Mesh, Botox, Diverticulitis

    Posted by Frogdog on January 30, 2018 at 8:58 pm

    Going back a few years due to blockage and perforation (Divertciulitis) had an emergency colectomy – colostomy and subsequent reversal. I have a nice mid-line incision. Not really, looks like it was done with a chainsaw. Surgeries were 10 months apart and had a hernia repaired at the time of reversal. No Mesh. Soon after the second surgery I started developing a incisional hernia that is growing.

    I have talked to three Dr.s now. One general and two hernia specialists. One of the specialist said that he would use a large piece of mesh anchored to my pubic bone up to my chest. He thought that because of the diverticulitis and the type of soft tissue that I have because of it, that was my best option, last option. He also said the mesh he wants to use only comes 20cm x 30cm and I need larger. He also would like to use Botox.

    After reading some of the posts on this site I think it makes a little more sense. My take away is that it is a little more serious than I thought. And that I’m not just being paranoid about selecting a surgeon. If anyone has any thoughts, comments or suggestion I sure would like to here from you.

    The specialist I have found are 3 hours away from me and would like to find someone closer to home for logistics. Any recommendation for a specialist in Kansas City would be appreciated. As well as mesh types and the Botox.

    drtowfigh replied 7 years ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • drtowfigh

    February 18, 2018 at 3:44 am

    [USER=”2402″]Frogdog[/USER] Hope your operation went well. Sounds like you had a large defect. Would love to hear what was done for you. Also, if you recommend a surgeon in KC, that would be great for this forum.

  • tessk

    February 6, 2018 at 6:37 pm

    Frogdog…are you or did you have surgery today? Do you mind sharing with whom you had it? I went to a surgeon in KC and decided against having an operation there and ended up at Cleveland Clinic. My background, medically, is a little similar to yours…Hope if you had surgery, it went well!!

  • Frogdog

    February 2, 2018 at 2:18 pm

    Thank You Dr. Levi, How would you suggest I proceed. I am under a time consideration as I have Surgery scheduled for this coming tue. the 6th. Its with a Dr. that I have no history with. He claims to be the only surgeon in Kansas City that is doing component separation with Da Vinci. I am feeling pressured and want to make an informed decision. I also would like to take advantage of this opportunity if this is the guy.

  • LeviProcter

    February 2, 2018 at 1:05 am

    Many approaches to this problem.

    Recommendations for what type of surgeon is hard without imaging to review and your overall wellness and other data.

    There are no credentialing processes for hernia surgeons. Hernia specialist doesn’t carry weight as it means different things to different people and is largely a marketing tool by hospitals.

    We can help you find surgeons that could address your issue. Hernia surgeries need to be patient based and included expectations, future surgeries, etc.

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