News Feed Discussions inguinal hernia/recurrent hernia using desarda

  • inguinal hernia/recurrent hernia using desarda

    Posted by LeylaD on July 6, 2015 at 1:02 pm

    I’m new to this and need help. I have been in pain with an inguinal hernia and now a recurrent umbilical hernia all stemming from a botched hysterectomy in 2011. I have heard great things about Dr. Shirin Towfigh and her understanding of female hernias. I scheduled a surgery for July 14, open tension free mesh. I really am having seconds doubts because of the mesh. I have been unable to find a NYC doctor who would do it without mesh. I referred and saw top doc here in NYC but he is on the mesh board that he uses and really didn’t believe that given how small my hernias are that I could be in this much pain. He also only wanted to do mesh and explore in a Lap surgery. I believe that is how I got into this situation. I even had a second hysterectomy and a labral tear surgery all with the belief that that would make the small lump on my right side go away as well as the pain.

    Has anyone heard about Dr. M.P Desarda and his technique? It seems a much better alternative to mesh. I have Oxford Freedom no out of network benefits. I would love to go to see Dr Towfigh, but financially it would be a hardship.

    drtowfigh replied 9 years, 7 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • drtowfigh

    July 6, 2015 at 4:44 pm

    inguinal hernia/recurrent hernia using desarda

    Perhaps you can provide more about your story.

    Why do you feel you had a botched hysterectomy? How did you have two hysterectomies? How are the hernias related to your hysterectomy?

    Did your surgeons lead you to believe that your groin lump was from a hip labral tear or a gynecologic problem?

    In general, for inguinal hernias, women are more prone to chronic pain related to mesh repairs than men. That may not be true for you or any specific patient, and so the surgeon should make their best determination as to what is the best repair. Among mesh repairs, laparoscopic mesh repair has a much much lower risk of mesh-related chronic pain than an open mesh repair. And if you choose to have a laparoscopic repair, then it should be done by a specialist who performs laparoscopic hernias routinely and has excellent outcomes.

    With regard to mesh vs non-mesh repair, the non-mesh repair is preferable especially among thin young women. If you are overweight, are older, or have a lot of risk factors for hernia recurrence, I usually do not recommend non-mesh repair, as the risk of hernia recurrence is a bit high and the risk of mesh-related pain with laparoscopic repair is so low, relatively speaking.

    The Desarda technique is a revival of an old technique that was abandoned in the 1950’s and 1960’s because the recurrence rate was too high. The best validated tissue repairs for women are the Shouldice technique, Bassini technique, and in some cases the Marcy repair. Like laparoscopy, tissue non-mesh repairs are best performed by surgeons who are versatile in doing them. In today’s world, that usually means the surgeon is either older or they are hernia specialists who are versatile in a wide variety of techniques. The tissue repairs are not widely taught anymore in normal general surgery training.

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