News Feed Discussions Inguinal Hernia Surgey Complication In Progress?

  • Inguinal Hernia Surgey Complication In Progress?

    Posted by Hines on January 13, 2017 at 10:21 am

    Had ed the 2 weeks before surgery because i had made the bulge worse. Also couldnt caugh, laugh or move heavy things without pain in that area. Bulge was 2-3 inches from groin on the left side. I had traditional non mesh hernia surgery 4.5 weeks ago. First 4 days was sever cramping, was on narcotic pain meds for 9 days, could barely walk. After the four days i started getting fluid build up and it would leak downwards into my scrotum and my left testy would swell, but not serious pain, just heavy and sore. Could still have an orgasm but it was different. 4.5 weeks later i have noticed what comes out during sex is a little labored, and less then what it used to be before the surgery. It doesnt seem to be getting worse, but am I jumping the gun by being worried? I still have to lay down and ice and that fixes the heavyness and fluid in that area, but I think the fluid is causing the problem. I didnt ice or laydown all day once a few days ago and had an orgasm and what came out was pitiful in volume where as when iced and rested a bit, its much better but still less the before the surgery. Am I jumping the gun and should i just wait to heal a bit longer or should i see a urologist? Keep laying down and icing and dont have all the fluids drain down to help healing? There is no ED, no pains anywhere except where the incision is, no horror stories like everyone else. My testy gets a but swollen and that sac fills with fluids but after standing for hours and hours still, but its seems to be getting better this way. Any advice?

    BTW, any advice on lifting amounts related to my weeks of recover ie 8 weeks try to limit under 40 pounds etc? Thanks so much!!

    Beenthere replied 8 years, 1 month ago 6 Members · 14 Replies
  • 14 Replies
  • drtowfigh

    February 5, 2017 at 1:54 am

    Inguinal Hernia Surgey Complication In Progress?

    I recommend seeing your urologist. There are a variety of reasons for low ejaculate volume. One can be obstruction of the vas. They can help figure that out.

    That said, as long as you have no pain from it, there is usually no indication for any intervention and/or surgery.

  • Beenthere

    February 1, 2017 at 8:57 pm

    Inguinal Hernia Surgey Complication In Progress?

    That sounds like a standard Ultrasound. Motion or dynamic is when you move during the ultrasound I believe. Let a Doctor chime in on this one. I asked many times for this buy my world class hospital did not have anyone on staff who knew how to perform one or they did not want me to have one. Funny a local health club had a doctor come in to do them for sports injuries.

    Not sure if I stated on your post but many times before get the book Unaccountable: What Hospitals Won’t Tell You and How Transparency Can Revolutionize Health Care Paperback – October 15, 2013
    by Martin Makary (Author) this is a must read. It will help you with your knowledge of what real medical care doe not tell you.

  • Hines

    February 1, 2017 at 8:44 pm

    Inguinal Hernia Surgey Complication In Progress?

    quote :

    Not sure what the problem could be but have been there.

    Surgeons must have a class on don’t worry you have two testicles and you only need one. I heard that more than once from my quote experts trying to find out my pain from my hernia surgery. If nothing else works we can remove your testicle and I ask, will it take care of the problem? I don’t knew but it might work! You can take one of mine if can I take one of yours? I am sure the doctor will change their tune fast! A story from my son. He was a life guard and was guarding the diving well. An orthopedic surgeon was going off the high dive and hit the water wrong and came up wailing like a little baby from sustaining an injury to his shoulder. I am sure he was wailing since he knew what pain he was going to be involved in to have it fixed and time to recover if ever. Plus what is the saying when you ask a surgeon who are the 3 best surgeons in their specialty. me, myself and I.

    There are so many nerves in the groin area who knows what type of damage might have happened. It sounds like you are past the danger of losing a testicle at this time from loss of blood flow. You could ask for a ultrasound of the scrotum and testicle which is different than one for a hernia.

    Not sure but if the cause would be mesh too tight around the spermatic cord. A doctor would need to answer that.

    Did you get a motion or dynamic ultrasound for the hernia?

    Remember your op report might be missing information too. Go back to the surgeon and ask probing questions. My doctor a true professional stated never again ask me anything about your surgery. He could not answer any aspect of the surgery he did only days before, which as stated in the op report would be in the 1% type of hernia surgery preformed. Quote Right very large direct and indirect sliding inguinal and removal of the epigastric vessel. This without any bulge.

    “Not sure but if the cause would be mesh too tight around the spermatic cord. A doctor would need to answer that.”
    –>This is a non mesh old school surgery.

    “Did you get a motion or dynamic ultrasound for the hernia?”
    I’m not sure of what type it was, after reading up on it, I would think dynamic since I was simply lying on my back while they move the instrument around the surgery area. I have uploaded a copy (poor printout) of the ultrasound result.

    Thanks again for your help, any extra info from you or others is great. Thanks again.

  • Beenthere

    February 1, 2017 at 5:51 pm

    Inguinal Hernia Surgey Complication In Progress?

    Not sure what the problem could be but have been there.

    Surgeons must have a class on don’t worry you have two testicles and you only need one. I heard that more than once from my quote experts trying to find out my pain from my hernia surgery. If nothing else works we can remove your testicle and I ask, will it take care of the problem? I don’t knew but it might work! You can take one of mine if can I take one of yours? I am sure the doctor will change their tune fast! A story from my son. He was a life guard and was guarding the diving well. An orthopedic surgeon was going off the high dive and hit the water wrong and came up wailing like a little baby from sustaining an injury to his shoulder. I am sure he was wailing since he knew what pain he was going to be involved in to have it fixed and time to recover if ever. Plus what is the saying when you ask a surgeon who are the 3 best surgeons in their specialty. me, myself and I.

    There are so many nerves in the groin area who knows what type of damage might have happened. It sounds like you are past the danger of losing a testicle at this time from loss of blood flow. You could ask for a ultrasound of the scrotum and testicle which is different than one for a hernia.

    Not sure but if the cause would be mesh too tight around the spermatic cord. A doctor would need to answer that.

    Did you get a motion or dynamic ultrasound for the hernia?

    Remember your op report might be missing information too. Go back to the surgeon and ask probing questions. My doctor a true professional stated never again ask me anything about your surgery. He could not answer any aspect of the surgery he did only days before, which as stated in the op report would be in the 1% type of hernia surgery preformed. Quote Right very large direct and indirect sliding inguinal and removal of the epigastric vessel. This without any bulge.

  • Hines

    January 31, 2017 at 3:53 am

    Inguinal Hernia Surgey Complication In Progress?

    BELOW, is an UPDATE, a SNIP from a longer post I made from scratch on another forum looking for help. Some of what I’ve written below is a repeat of what I wrote earlier in this thread, but much is new.


    I’m able to sleep on my stomach at 6.5 weeks after the surgery I have only minor discomfort and sleeping like this only caused me minor aching in my testis. At 6.5 weeks standing all day only gives me a little bit of grief in my testicles, with most of it being confined to the left side. In all I get some minor dull ache in my left testy, with the right being a little more sensitive than before. I just started wearing jeans, this makes contact with the surgery area gives me minor grief. I have minor abdominal pain (above the incision) in a small area, when I move around, but nothing alarming. My problem is sex related. My ED is fixed, this works great, my penis has not shrunk everything is ok there. My problem lies with the amount of ejaculate that comes out. Before surgery, I would GUESS(I never measured), I would ejaculate, probably around 3.5-4ml, no crazy shooting but it would definitely come out without any problems and it would travel a bit, I never dribbled. Now after the surgery, it has ranged from anywhere from .8 to 2.2ml, and it has a lot of trouble coming out, it’s dribbling at its best, no travelling, there is barely any force at all. A couple of times it’ been very chunky. I’d say what comes out is half or less than half then before, and it varies, and hasn’t really improved since the surgery, where as before the surgery this was not a problem. At no time have I taken a step back during recovery, I haven’t lifted anything that has given me grief, I haven’t even had intercourse in case I traumatize this area, just very light stuff with the girlfriend testing things out. I started doing cardio on my elliptical at 5 weeks recovery time and have increased the intensity taking a day off in-between workouts as I get minorly sore in the area, but nothing to worry about.

    I went to the original surgeon three weeks after the surgery and he said it was healing properly. I asked if there was any problem with the spermatic cord or anything that could be problems or anything I should be concerned about, and he said no everything was fine, and it was just a hernia that was fairly large in size. At 3.5 weeks, and then again at 6.5 weeks I went to my regular doctor, and he wanted to inspect the hernia area, and he said its feeling fine. At 6.5 weeks I was supposed to go to my surgeon to get a final check up, but since this is now far away and I would have to pay for a hotel etc, and because I haven’t been working and have family problems and am broke, so I did not go. Instead I setup a phone consultation and I explained to him what is explained above for you all to read, and asked about the ejaculation problem. He said it sounds like the hernia is repairing, but the problem I am worrying about should not happen, and he thinks something else happened. I explained my concern, and he quickly said sometimes the testy can shrink, sometimes there is problems with the spermatic cord, and well you still have another testicle you can still have kids! (My testicle is not shrinking, at least not yet). My surgeon urged me to get my local doctor to book me into see a surgeon who performs these surgeries, or a urologist to get examined. When I went to my local doctor with this info, I asked him to get the OP report from my surgeon(in transit now) he says there is no need to worry, that I’m going to have problems and swelling in the area etc for up to three months. I had booked in an ultrasound to inspect the hernia area at 6.5 weeks and there is no fluid build up and the hernia looks like it has healed, there is no sign of it being there. I kept bugging him about the obvious and how even the surgeon said to go get it checked out because it’s shouldn’t be a problem but he said, no he won’t do anything until he sends me for a semen analysis test. I phoned today to make that appointment and they are 6 weeks backlogged!!!

    So guys, I’m not as bad off as some of you guys who I feel sorry for, I’ve read some pretty bad stories, So I’m not some drama queen, I’m just looking for some advice on what could be the problem and where to go from here.

    -Any idea what the problem is?
    – Should I just try to strengthen my pelvic floor muscles?
    – Do I need to go to a new local doctor immediately to get referred to a surgeon or urologist who can do a proper analysis? Is this a time sensitive thing where my testicle could be damaged
    – I don’t want to wait 6 weeks if there is a problem that needs to be looked at now. Can I do any exercises, do more icing, take more advil, go get a prescription for the problem?
    -Is my regular doctor right that I should just wait for things to heal more before I freak out?
    Thanks so much.

  • jzinckgra

    January 26, 2017 at 10:05 pm

    Inguinal Hernia Surgey Complication In Progress?

    My surgeon just called about my constant repair pain. I asked if he used staples or tacks to hold mesh in place. He said neither. The mesh is free flosting. Is this common?

  • Hines

    January 24, 2017 at 10:21 pm

    Inguinal Hernia Surgey Complication In Progress?

    quote :

    Hines, Do you mind sharing which doctor and location you had to perform a traditional non-mesh hernia repair? Those who are knowledgable in non-mesh procedures are getting difficult to find and it could be helpful to future patients who read these forums. Thanks.

    I don’t think my Surgeon would appreciate me making this public, however if people want to private message me for his name, that would be ok.

    The location was Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada, although i had moved to edmonton before the surgery had been done…i had been living in Fort McMurray when the surgery was booked at the time….

    UPDATE: I just edited this post because it looks like this forum doesnt allow Private messages. I dont want to make my email public, so my suggestion is to google Fort McMurray traditonal hernai surgeons, and the name begins with the last letter of the Alphabet. It comes up in the search results for certain.

    Hope this helps. 🙂

  • Chaunce123

    January 24, 2017 at 7:18 pm

    Inguinal Hernia Surgey Complication In Progress?

    Hines, Do you mind sharing which doctor and location you had to perform a traditional non-mesh hernia repair? Those who are knowledgable in non-mesh procedures are getting difficult to find and it could be helpful to future patients who read these forums. Thanks.

  • Hines

    January 23, 2017 at 9:02 pm

    Inguinal Hernia Surgey Complication In Progress?

    Ok, thanks for the responses guys. I’m now at 6 weeks. I see my surgeon again this thursday, I will ask for the OP report when I see him again.

    So only a few times have i lifted anything around 25 pounds, and that was within the last week and i was careful. I got the go ahead to do that anyways but i will limit this type of stuff. I have been careful during recovery. A lot of the swelling as gone down, I can move around a lot more freely then before, but certain movements are a minor strain, mainly the are directly above my incision. I’m doing cardio on my elliptical and stationary bike the last week and having no complications. At no time during healing have a i taken a step back. At no time have i had sharp pains or serious pain in my testicles. I’m sleeping on my stomach no without barely any discomfort or discomfort during the day from doing this. There is still extra fluid around the surgery area, and the longer i stand i know it is draining into my scrotum, but not as bad as before. My left testy does get a bit swollen after standing for lengthy periods (drainage), and it does give me very minor pain, maybe a dull ache when swollen. The last two weeks I have been icing only once a day for twenty minutes with a light towel over place of the side of my testicle and on the rest of operated area. Looks like there is some difficulty in pushing things out once sex is finishing, and the amount of fluid that comes out is sometimes thicker then it should be, and is much lower in volume then before surgery, I’d say 1ml is coming out, as opposed to say 3-4 before the surgery. I had Ed two weeks before having the surgery due to me making the hernia worse, but this problem is now fixed (YEAH!!!). I saw a local general doctor a week ago about something un-related and he wanted to look at the hernia anyways and he says its healing fine, but I’m wondering if this is just going to get better once the swelling goes down, and the muscles in this region get more strength, I will start doing keygals and strengthen this area now. Maybe this will help.

    Before I see my surgeon this thursday (which is 450km away), I will book an appointment with a local urologist (don’t know how long this wait will be) and start asking for help.

    I’m wondering, what type of things or tests should I be asking him for? Is there any meds that would fix this area to make things move better, or is there a certain test he could do for me that would be ideal? Are there any recover things on my own, I could do to help this situation. Should i spend more time laying down to stop fluid build up down there?

    Thanks so much for your help guys!!!

  • goldenmsc

    January 23, 2017 at 5:30 pm

    Inguinal Hernia Surgey Complication In Progress?

    What permanent suture material is least reactive?


  • Beenthere

    January 23, 2017 at 4:46 pm

    Inguinal Hernia Surgey Complication In Progress?

    Get you Op Report ASAP and than post your findings. Also contact the surgeon and ask multiple questions after you get the op report. I found mine to be missing information that the surgeon told my verbally.

  • drtowfigh

    January 17, 2017 at 2:54 am

    Inguinal Hernia Surgey Complication In Progress?

    Open tissue repair is typically performed with permanent suture though techniques can vary.

    Open tissue repair has a more difficult recovery as compared with mesh repair. Your experience seems to be within norms. The larger the hernia, the more difficult the recovery. With time, pain and swelling should resolve. It’s best to continue following up with your surgeon to make sure your symptoms are as expected.

    Weight lifting or lifting of weights is a controversial topic after hernia repair. Evidence shows that no limitation is necessary. I tend to follow that. However, most surgeons place a weight limit of 20 or more lbs for the first 6 weeks. It’s a gut feeling and there is no evidence to support this recommendation. It’s more of a feeling of safety.

  • Hines

    January 13, 2017 at 11:08 pm

    Inguinal Hernia Surgey Complication In Progress?

    yes it was the old method of open suture hernia repair.

    I do not know the material that was used for the sutures.

    I believe the sutures/stitches just dissolve.

    No signs of infection. I’m told I’m doing ok, but I have not gotten an answer on the problem I’m worried about on this thread from my doctor. I’m told the hernia area is healing properly though.

    Thought I would pick other peoples brains from experience. Thanks so much guys.

    Any advice on the amount of weights to lift at what times during recovery?

  • goldenmsc

    January 13, 2017 at 8:12 pm

    Inguinal Hernia Surgey Complication In Progress?

    Was yours done open suture repair?
    Any idea what type of suture material was used?
    Are they permanent?


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