I have a right side Inguinal hernia which I believe is an indirect. The lump is approximately 75% the size of a ping ping ball. It comes out quickly upon standing, eating or using the bathroom. I’ve noticed my right testicle is about 1.5″ higher than my left side which i never had that issue before. I am able to gently pull it down to the same level as the left side but it quickly returns as soon as I let it go. I also noticed when I breathe in and out the right testicle will expand and contract. I’m guessing the hernia sac is inside the spermatic cord which is why this is happening but I’d like opinions, or someone who’s experienced similar, to chime in. I’d also like to find out if this is considered a large, medium or small hernia based on the symptoms. Although the bulge is not very large in guessing this may be a larger indirect hernia considering it has clearly made its way down into the scrotum.
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