Lies about Desarda and Laproscopic repair
What makes hernia decision making so difficult for patients is the amount of disinformation floating around and disseminated by doctors trying to get you to use their services. The Desarda repair gets routinely criticized here…and my surgeon Sam Carvajal-told me it was a flake unproven surgery that would likely recur…meanwhile he destroyed me with his well established lap mesh surgery…complete with beach blankets of plastic garbage….huge tissue dissection…general anesthesia…and oh yea he cathed me for his own convenience…without telling me of course. .Newbies…please be very careful when some Surgeon blows off another technique that he or she does not do….Dr Towfigh also writes that the Desarda repair had been tried before…and that its not well established through studies….But i have seen plenty of studies that show that it just may be the best damn modality…and there are legions of folks online posting about its merits…albeit a few disasters..like with every technique, I can remember thunderose writing that she cringed when she saw the desarda technique in a you tube video–it was damaging other tissue…all while she was turning her abdomen into a sushi role with a four layer shouldice –no damage there. with a big ball of propylene suturing. Desrarda uses no permanent articial suturing… Desarda is a no tension repair….done under local anesthesia…in about 20 minutes…recurrance rates are low as are chronic pain rates…but i didnt pursue it because i listened to doctors who were trying to get me on the table—newbies..go to kang….or if he is too far…Tomas for desarda…ignore doctors citing cryptic studies….that support their own methodologies….
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