News Feed Discussions Lightning Bolts

  • Lightning Bolts

    Posted by Magpla on March 9, 2017 at 12:47 am

    Starting in November, I started having odd pain in lower left quadrant. I’m a female and immediately found myself at gynecologist. Since then, I’ve had every test under the sun. Ultrasound, xrays, bloodwork, and MRi. All normal.
    I get burning, twisting, pain in same area. It doesn’t hurt to cough, laugh, lay on belly, or lift things. I’ve been told my Psoaz muscle is so tight that this could be the cause. I’m concerned about a hidden hernia. Wouldn’t I be having at least one of the classic signs?

    Magpla replied 8 years ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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