Mesh question!
Hey all! Im new here ! Quick back story ! For alittle over two years I’ve had pain on my lower left side of my abdominal area , long story short , I had 2 ovarian cystectomies , doctors thought that was the cause of my pain (2017) , I went in 2017/2018 to 2 separate g.i doctors and got a colonoscopy done , both came back normal , april of this year my new gyn detached my left ovary from my abdominal wall in hopes that he found the source of my pain , and still after all those surgeries , I was still having the same exact pain , deep down I knew it was a hernia somewhere , I found a general surgeon , explained my symptoms , explained that when I coughs especially I would feel like my insides were ripping apart , he ordered an mri but no hernia was found , he did in fact notice that my uterus showed deformities and atrophy , so he wanted to look for himself . on nov 28th , I went to get my ex lap done , my uterus was squishing my bladder , he cut down dense adhesions that were attached to my uterus and abdominal wall , upon cutting down the adhesions , he repositioned my uterus and WALAAH once he moved the uterus , the hernia revealed itself ! He was able to place the mesh and so here I am !
However I’ve had many surgeries , hernia is definitely no something I’ve been thru until now . so here we are almost 2 weeks post op , and my incisions are great ! No pain what’s so ever , but #1 when I void (urinate) it hurts a lot , almost like having a c-section and having to pee after , and #2 a lump where the mesh is , its hard but tender to the touch . is that normal ? All who know what normal is , all who’s had different experiences , please share your thoughts and ideas ! Anything will be appreciated ! Thank you ❤
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