News Feed Discussions mesh removal

  • mesh removal

    Posted by jerrybruce on October 8, 2015 at 10:41 pm

    Dr Ramshaw sent me to you.
    Please help! I have been in excruciating pain ever since having inguinal hernia repair with mesh. it all started approx jan 2011 when i went to the E.r. and was told i had a hernia (there were no bulges on my skin anywhere) i was recommended to see a dr,who told me that i needed hernia repair surgery. i was in so much pain that i agreed to the hernia operation, he placed mesh inside me as a fix to the hernia plus a mesh plug ( i was never even told he put mesh inside of me, which i learned at a later date). After numerous return visits to the dr telling him i was in more pain now than before the surgery he finally told me that there was nothing he could do for me and would not see me any more. after trying to find a way to live with the pain i wound up back in the E.r. again and was able to find another dr. who would look at my problem and he was kind enough to see me a talk to me about it. i have the utmost respect for this dr because he tried to help me when no one else would. he felt that i had some areas inside that needed to be repaired, once more i agreed to surgery. after surgery i was informed that there was mesh inside of me and scar tissue ( i have pictures of this) but still having severe pain for months after surgery. the dr thought my gall bladder could be causing it and said we needed to remove my gall bladder that that may be causing the pain. so i went under the knife once more, to no avail. It had no affect on the pain i was suffering. at this point i was extremely scared and started looking for other options. went to the texas medical center and saw another dr who reviewed my medical records and examined me, he requested a current mri ( i have had so many mri’s by now i should be glowing) he stated that he was never convinced that i had a hernia from the very start. after reviewing mri he said everything looked normal and that he did not know what to tell me and that is all he said not another word. i came back home continued my search for some way to be able to live with the pain.. I have great insurance Blue Cross Blue shield of Louisiana and belive me when i tell you my deductible is met. the only thing i know to do is contact you for mesh removal.. it would be a privilege to meet with you and hopefully be able to help someone else. i just want to be able to live my life pain free or at least have pain at a level i can live with. this is not my complete story just a brief summary. PLEASE let me know if you have any advise or if youmay be able to help in my situation. i would be happy to share my experience and talk about everything with you and anyone else if it would be helpful.

    drtowfigh replied 9 years, 4 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Chaunce1234

    October 13, 2015 at 1:28 pm

    mesh removal

    Sorry to hear your having so much pain. There is an expert hernia surgeon in Baton Rouge if that’s closer. His name is Karl LeBlanc, and I’m sure he would be happy to see you for a consultation. Feel free to use my name, and tell him you were referred by Hernia Talk. Hope this helps! DE

  • drtowfigh

    October 10, 2015 at 5:53 am

    mesh removal

    Thank you for sharing your story.

    I am curious why you went to the ER in the first place. What were your symptoms? And next, did any of those symptoms resolve since the operation irrespective of the new pain you now have.

    I am happy to help. Certainly mesh removal can be done if that is the cause of your pain.

    To determine that, I will need a copy of all your imaging CDs and operative report sent to me prior to your visit. Sheila can help arrange this.

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