News Feed Discussions My story- new hernia- long Hx

  • My story- new hernia- long Hx

    Posted by MittenState on January 28, 2017 at 1:32 am

    Hello- looking for help in Michigan with my possible hernia.
    First- history:
    -life long intermittent constipation – 2001- surgical removal of internal and external hemmroids and ended up back in OR 1 week later for impaction. General surgeon said “worse case of hemmroids he had ever seen”. Horribly painful recovery- painful BMs for A YEAR
    -stress/urge incontenence- decided on surgery 12/2010- porcine transobturator tape. I was 41 and done having children (2 vaginal deliveries- no complications)
    – recovery was OK- went back to work (nuclear Med tech) 5 weeks.
    -11/201 1infected surgical site (yes 11 months after surgery) – my job required repetitive use of right leg to move imaging bed. Had to have surgical intervention to find infection– it had tracked internally through my vaginal wall. Left me with open wound on pubis (surgeon opened both sides and inside vaginal as well)- wound vac to help with healing. Tape had absorbed and could not remove it.
    – lingering R groin pain- attributed to healing from infection healing.
    -‘current issues and hx 46 y/o F, BMI 32, peri menopausal w/ heavy periods, 4-5 cm L Ovarian cyst,occ migraines, SVT (on beta blocker-no reoccurrence), kidney stones
    -Neg DM, NL cholesterol, all recent blood work NL
    – stress/urge incontence
    -rectocele requiring splinting to empty
    – Colonscopy 7/2016 normal

    R groin pain has been chronic since the infection. The pain shoots down the top of my thigh to my knee. This pain increases if I have constipation. I’ve had two recent severe episodes of constipation- severe gas/bloat- making the right groin pain severe. This most recent episode 1 week ago sent me back to GI doc– he examined me– palpating groin supine and standing– found the “magic spot” -proclaimed I had a hernia and to see a surgeon. No imaging performed as of yet.

    *I’m concerned that the shooting pain down my thigh could indicate an obturator hernia- how do you diagnose this?
    *based on my previous problem with the tape- I’m concerned that my body will reject it.
    *I have avoided a partial hysterectomy and pelvic floor repair due to failed previous surgery. Hoping nature finally stops the heavy periods.

    I do have two consults schduled- but maybe I need a referral to a more experienced surgeon- Metro Detroit area.

    Any advice is much appreciated as I am very apprehensive

    drtowfigh replied 7 years, 11 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • drtowfigh

    March 22, 2017 at 8:18 pm

    Hi there. Any updates for us?

  • MittenState

    February 6, 2017 at 7:58 pm

    My story- new hernia- long Hx

    Ultrasound confirms inguinal hernia and CT from 6 months ago shows Umbilical hernia (see below)

    Does pelvic floor-specifically rectocele need to be addressed prior to hernia repair-will it effect outcome of hernia repair for pain relief?
    Should umbilical hernia (no pain) be addressed at the same time of the inguinal hernia?

    I called UofM–first appt was in May 2017. That’s pretty far out -and I would want to have surgery in March or April at the latest.

    Thank you

    Ultrasound right Groin 2/2/2017

    Indication: Right groin pain. Possible hernia.

    Comparison: None

    Technique: Multiple grayscale sonographic images of the right groin region
    were obtained with and without Valsalva and with the patient in the supine and
    standing positions.

    Findings and impression:

    1. There is a fat-containing right groin hernia that appears to be indirect
    type. The neck measures approximately 11 mm and the hernia sac measures
    approximately 3.9 cm in maximal dimension. No evidence of bowel herniation is
    seen. The hernia appears to be reducible.

    2. There is no sonographic evidence of a spigelian or femoral hernia in the
    right groin region.

    There is no preperitoneal air or fluid. The abdominal aorta is normal in
    caliber. There is mild bulge of anterior abdominal wall with tiny
    fat-containing umbilical hernia.

  • drtowfigh

    February 6, 2017 at 4:01 am

    My story- new hernia- long Hx

    The combination of pelvic floor dysfunction and possible inguinal hernia require very careful evaluation, as some of the pelvic floor disorders can mimic hernia type pain.

    I recommend that you go to the Hernia Program at University of Michigan. Drs. Dana Telem and Amir Ghaferi are both excellent resources for you. For a surgeon in Detroit, there are a couple who are also members of the American Hernia Society. You can look them up here:

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