News Feed Discussions Need help in Austin, TX

  • Need help in Austin, TX

    Posted by Elvgrengrl on March 19, 2016 at 7:20 pm

    I’ve been trying to figure out what’s going on in my lower left inguinal area for well over a year. When standing I can feel a hard knot that’s about 2 inches left of my belly button and about 3.5″ down from that. It feels like it’s about 1″ but it feels more oval running slightly up at an angle parallel to my inguinal ligament. It’s more prominent when I tighten those muscles, but laying down I can also feel it – it’s less hard and more rubbery.

    There’s little pain. Sometimes when I have a bowel movement there will be some burning. During my period there is burning. Sometimes it can pinch for no reason or if I’m laying in child’s pose or outstretched flat with a blanket under my bum. There can be sensation in my lower back and up and over my hip and down my front thigh- it’s a ‘pulling’ feeling. I don’t experience any sharp or extreme pain. Just random pulling, pinching, burning sensations at times.

    12/2014 I called my ob/gyn and asked if they could do an ultrasound. They did a transvaginal that detected a fibroid. And an over the belly after drinking tons of water that came out normal.

    12/24/14 I went to a GP and she said it could be hernia, but that she wasn’t great at diagnosing those. I had mentioned possible hernia due to an extremely painful bout of constipation (that I know realise might have been my rectocele developing or maybe not – who knows).

    The next day I went to the ER thinking that maybe they could figure it out. They looked at me like I was crazy and dismissed me immediately.

    January I went to a different GP and after her saying she only allotted 15 minutes and to tell her the one thing I was in there for couldn’t feel what I was feeling and dismissed me.

    Acupuncturist asked if I had a bowel movement and I replied yes. He didn’t know what else to say other than “forget about it”

    January went to a physical therapist thinking it was muscular and he shrugged his shoulders and sent me home with some exercises.

    February I went to my ob/gyn and she detected the fibroid but nothing else and was convinced it was a GI issue.

    March went to the GI doctor, he couldn’t feel anything (despite my pen markings on my belly). He ordered a MRI that came back negative, except the fibroid.

    Later in March I lied about some symptoms to my GI hoping for an answer and he did a flexible sigmoidoscopy and that came back okay.

    I think it was in August that I finally went to see a general surgeon, a female one. She seemed to think what I was feeling was muscular and to ‘come back when something pops out’.

    Sept I was diagnosed with a rectocele, possible rectal intussusecption, and posterior prolapse. I started physical therapy for that. This might be besides the point but i wanted to throw it in there anyway.

    January 2016 I went to a yoga instructor that specialized in pelvic floor stuff, because I was distraught that I hadn’t been moving my body and wanted a practice I could do without further exasperating my prolapse. She seemed to think it was muscular because when she had me lay on the floor with a blanket under my bum she pushed down on my legs and there was a strong pinch in the area. I walked away without a real plan because she thought we needed to relax that muscle (something I had been trying to do for over a year to no avail)

    February 2016 I went to my acupuncturist for something else and asked about this again. he felt around and said that he did feel inflammation but couldn’t diagnose me.

    2 weeks ago I went back to a different Gyn and he only saw the fibroid and pointed out it was on the left side and was probably causing my discomfort. It measures 35mm. I took that home with me, but still have a feeling there’s something else. I wrote him and asked for a dynamic ultrasound but he shot it down because he is convinced I don’t have a hernia (he made me crunch and felt around for a weakness). I can’t even feel it when I crunch, it’s only when I lay down and tighten those muscles or stand. He rushed me through and I neglected to point this out. Sigh.

    I’m at a loss. I don’t know what else to do. I feel like I can’t do anything because I don’t know what’s going on. I’m depressed because of it and I no longer trust doctors, besides I don’t even know what kind of doctor to see at this point. I was contemplating seeing an orthopedic doctor because my left hip area is definitely weak and can be sore so maybe it is muscular.

    Very long story short: is there a reliable doctor/surgeon I could see in the Austin, TX area? Do you think I should see an orthopedic to rule out muscular? Please help. I’m 46 and ready to throw in the towel on everything and hermit up in my apartment until something really breaks.


    Elvgrengrl replied 8 years, 11 months ago 4 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Elvgrengrl

    March 27, 2016 at 4:50 pm

    Need help in Austin, TX

    quote :

    This sounds like it could be an inguinal hernia, although they can be difficult to diagnose in women, particularly if they are small. If the MRI the gastroenterologist ordered was of the abdomen and pelvis, then sometimes the MRI can detect it. Most often, we order CT scans (abd/pelvis) with contrast to diagnose these, especially if you’ve had any prior surgery (including c-section, hysterectomy, etc.). It could also be a different type of hernia, a Spigelian hernia, as Dr. Towfigh mentioned and these can be seen on CT as well. My practice is in San Antonio, but if you’re willing to drive down I’ll be glad to see you; we could get the CT in the clinic in the morning before your appointment, that way I could see the images and examine you at the same visit. Our office number @ UTMedicine is 450-9200.

    Dr. Kent. Thank you SO much for replying!!!

    The MRI was only of the pelvis. He had ordered both pelvic and abdomen but the imaging place refused to both at the same time and I didn’t want the contrast two days in a row and didn’t want to pay for 2 MRIs. I have had no surgeries.

    I looked and you’re on my In Network list. Unfortunately, I’m nowhere near hitting my deductible and not sure when I’ll be able to afford the CT, but this sounds like a brilliant plan for me. Knowing you are on this site makes me so much more confident that I will get an answer. A couple questions about this plan:

    1. I’m allergic to CT contrast dye, which is why I asked for the MRI. What can be done about the hives/swollen limbs that happen to me with the dye?

    2. Is the CT down laying down?

    3. Do you know if a CT of the ab and pelvis is considered 1 or 2 CTs cost-wise?

    4. When I call to make an appointment do I mention that we talked prior and that you suggested a CT pre-appt?

    It might be July before I can come see you, but just knowing I will eventually get a proper diagnosis makes me happy. 🙂

    Thanks again!

  • Elvgrengrl

    March 27, 2016 at 4:47 pm

    Need help in Austin, TX

    quote :

    Welcome to the world of negligence and ignorance in the medical profession – your story is so familiar. and, I refuse to see any doctor in San Antonio. Sounds pretty condemning but I’ve been treated for chronic pain because nobody wanted to bother – mesh in four places after unnecessary surgeries.
    don’t let them push you around; before you know it, they’ll have you thinking you are nuts….I know I’m not.
    Best of luck to you.


    I’m so sorry that you’ve had to go through unnecessary surgeries and that you’re struggling as well. It’s definitely a tricky and frustrating thing. We live pretty close to one another and I’m open to emailing you personally if you need an ear.

    May I ask if you’ve seen Dr. Van Sickle? Why do you refuse to see any doctor in San Antonio? Is it simply because you’re tired of getting nowhere like me?

  • drsickle

    March 27, 2016 at 2:15 pm

    Need help in Austin, TX

    This sounds like it could be an inguinal hernia, although they can be difficult to diagnose in women, particularly if they are small. If the MRI the gastroenterologist ordered was of the abdomen and pelvis, then sometimes the MRI can detect it. Most often, we order CT scans (abd/pelvis) with contrast to diagnose these, especially if you’ve had any prior surgery (including c-section, hysterectomy, etc.). It could also be a different type of hernia, a Spigelian hernia, as Dr. Towfigh mentioned and these can be seen on CT as well. My practice is in San Antonio, but if you’re willing to drive down I’ll be glad to see you; we could get the CT in the clinic in the morning before your appointment, that way I could see the images and examine you at the same visit. Our office number @ UTMedicine is 450-9200.

  • drtowfigh

    March 26, 2016 at 10:07 pm

    Need help in Austin, TX

    The area of your picture is the same area as an inguinal hernia
    In San Antonio:
    – Dr Kent Van Sickle
    – Dr Morris Franklin or his associate

    Or look up Hernia Specialist on the Americas Hernia Society:

  • skaadland

    March 21, 2016 at 5:15 am

    Need help in Austin, TX

    Welcome to the world of negligence and ignorance in the medical profession – your story is so familiar. and, I refuse to see any doctor in San Antonio. Sounds pretty condemning but I’ve been treated for chronic pain because nobody wanted to bother – mesh in four places after unnecessary surgeries.
    don’t let them push you around; before you know it, they’ll have you thinking you are nuts….I know I’m not.
    Best of luck to you.

  • Elvgrengrl

    March 20, 2016 at 7:40 pm

    Need help in Austin, TX

    Not sure if the image went through … trying again.

  • Elvgrengrl

    March 20, 2016 at 7:38 pm

    Need help in Austin, TX

    Spigelian Hernia isn’t resonating with me. Mine seems lower.
    I drew a circle around where I can feel the hard knot when I tighten and pointed it up in the direction it goes.
    The x marks where the pinching can go down my leg.
    Do you know a specialist in Houston or San Antonio?

    PS: Thank you for your quick reply and sorry for the super long initial post. 🙂

  • drtowfigh

    March 20, 2016 at 7:01 pm

    Need help in Austin, TX

    1. Look up Spigelian Hernia and see if you relate
    2. Attach a picture of where the pain/pinching is
    3. You may have to travel to get to a specialist. Not aware of any in Austin.

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