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  • New hernia after mesh removal

    Posted by Arnaud on November 12, 2024 at 9:56 pm

    Hi everyone. In reading your journeys, I think we can safely say that, for some of us, a « simple » hernia can become like a maze your find yourself in. For years sometimes. Like a rat in a trap. My journey was to be a simple one at first, like we were promised. It’s an Achilles heal basically. I was first operated for a small inguinal hernia, through a lap TEP with Medtronic 3D mesh. I was born with only one testicule, on the mesh side. So I should have been more careful in choosing surgery type. I expressed my concerns to the surgeon, and he « reassured me ». The nightmare that stole my life away began. After surgery, I lost 17 kilos in 3 months, and started to have debilitating ASIA syndrome symptoms. I lost my job, my life long passion as a theater actor, because of chronic pain and debilitating fatigue. Then I lost my ejaculations. My only testicule was about to die, the spermatic cord was being slowly strangled my the mesh. When you loose your appetite, your job, your sexuality, and your sanity because of all the medical gaslighting, it’s a very dangerous slope. Like quicksand. I heard the sentence « it’s not the mesh » from at least 20 doctors in a year. The device companies know how to drive us all mad: you can hardly see mesh on scans and MRI’s. And that’s part of all the horrible scheme isn’t it? « Never been there, never done that », the mesh would say. To make a long story short, I had mesh removal by Dr Brian Jacob last April, and he removed all of it with great skill. He is a very caring surgeon, and honest. I had little to no pain afterwards, which was a miracle. And my ejaculations started coming back. I was warned about a possible hernia recurrence, since he didn’t do any repair, he retrieved the mesh robotically. Alas, I have not gotten better with my auto immune disorders. But also, I know have a NEW hernia, bigger that the former one. This I was not prepared for. It’s a 2cm bladder hernia, and it’s starting to press on abdomen and giving me testicular pain all over again. The ejaculations are getting poor yet again! Will this nightmare ever end? I don’t know. Any advice on what I should do now? I don’t dare even try sports, I wear a compression belt but it’s hurts even more. I can’t get mesh in there after the entire ordeal. The mesh has weakened my pelvic floor so, I doubt a natural shouldice repair would hold on weakened tissue. What to do? Live with the hernia although it keeps growing? This is hell, no other word. One year and a half of wasted life, and more to come, I came in with a minor inguinal hernia with no symptoms for a minor surgery, and here I am with a new bigger hernia, and a spermatic cord lipoma, after a major removal surgery. I really feel like a rat in a maze. Any one for advice? Do you see an exit sign somewhere? Or do I settle in the maze with my luggage for life? Thanks.

    finnigan replied 2 weeks ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • finnigan

    February 24, 2025 at 9:05 am

    How much did it cost to remove the mesh? Dr Grischkan will do a Shouldice repair.

  • seaswirl

    December 3, 2024 at 5:50 pm

    Arnaud have you thought about contacting Shouldice in Canada ? They may be able to fix your recurring hernias for less money. Just a thought. Good luck my friend.

  • ed

    December 3, 2024 at 3:52 pm

    in my experience , some belts worked for me , others did not. look at underworks website

  • drtowfigh

    December 3, 2024 at 12:19 am

    Dr Jacob should be able to help you.

    I agree with what was done to address your Mesh Implant Illness: remove the implant and reassess how you do.

    Now that you have the expected recurrence, either you should get a tissue repair if possible or a repair with non-standard mesh. In my experience most patients who react to standard mesh seem to do well with hybrid mesh that has very little (4%) polypropylene.

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