News Feed Discussions One Week from Hernia Surgery to Swimming in Hawaii!

  • dog

    March 8, 2019 at 10:18 am

    Thank You! No i am terrible healer far so good.I explained everything in my blog…..Hernia is just a minor surgery . If it is done well.

    Most difficult for me know.,. i feel good and dealing with difficult dog…trying to be careful but chances to make mistake and get trumma is so big :{ ..people coming to me as a last resort from all over the country …So..will see..
    Just to let everyone know..i feel so bad when i read here a bad story about complications with hernia mesh…So sorry

  • Chaunce1234

    March 7, 2019 at 9:43 pm

    [USER=”2608″]dog[/USER] I am genuinely impressed that you’re healing so quickly, from surgery to vacation in a week is really quite expedient. I have to wonder if you’re just a particularly healthy patient and a fast healer, or if that’s a normal experience for some hernia repairs. Thanks for sharing your hernia story, it will surely help other future patients in making their own decisions.

    By the way, your Letterman appearance was very amusing and you have a great sense of humor, thanks for sharing that.

  • dog

    March 5, 2019 at 7:45 am

    Hi Dear seeker Thank you LOL ..You know me i speak truth as it is .AND SPEAK FROM MY HEART! is link to tv show :}

    .I just so pissed of those stupid greedy doctors so when i found a truly good one carrining …Really want people to know. ..If someone else had a great experience with their doctors i wish they would let us know as well. Thank you for your kind note buddy

  • seeker

    March 5, 2019 at 3:19 am

    Dog – you were funnier then David Letterman on his show!!! It was great to watch! And I learned a lot of dog training info too.

    I enjoyed reading your whole hernia journey too. Thanks for sharing it.

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