News Feed Discussions pain in my right groin going around my back

  • pain in my right groin going around my back

    Posted by ret on April 2, 2014 at 1:57 am

    I had a colonscopy Dec. 11th, the day after I started getting pain on my right side going aroundmy back. I was sentto the ER had a CT scan with oral contrast which showed nothing. I have had 7 sonograms and 3 MRI’s and nohting shows up. What is wrong with me!!

    I have been to many Doctors -3 GI Doctors, # Orthopedists, 2 Gynocologists, 2 surgeons. NOne can diagnose me. I had Diverticulits July 2012- had 7 CT scans between July 2012 and June 2013. On one scan, one surgeon looked at the actual pictures and saw a small right ingunal hernia – that was Sept 2012. Nothing has shown up since. I don’t knwo what to do next. I am in pain every day and cannot live a normal life

    ret replied 9 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 22 Replies
  • 22 Replies
  • drtowfigh

    September 6, 2015 at 11:37 pm

    pain in my right groin going around my back

    Any update?

  • ret

    April 17, 2014 at 7:47 pm

    pain in my right groin going around my back

    I had an MRI April 15 – MRI Visceral Pelvis without IV Contrast – they used Valsalva. The results showed/said:

    “Very tiny small fat-containing right inguinal hernia. There is no inguinal mass or fluid collection.No adenopathy or ascites. No significant pelvic floor laxity is appreciated on attempted Valsalva maneuver. However, if ther is persistent concern for pelvic floor laxity, MR defecography exam may be performed.”

    I do not know what MR defecogrpahy is and have not spoken to a surgeon yet, so I am not sure if this tiny hernia is cause for all of my pain and if surgery is the best course of action. What do you think?

    * I also never heard back fro Dr. Jacobs office- have to call*

  • ret

    April 15, 2014 at 12:03 am

    pain in my right groin going around my back

    I called friday and they were going to speak with Dr. Jacob, they do not take GHI Emblem health Medicare. I would have to have a lower rate for a consult. I have not heard back. I am scheduled for my MRI of the pelvis with and without Valsalva tomorrow. It was supposed to be today but I ended up in the ER last night. Friday after eating the pain started under my chest so bad, it moved to under my left chest. saturday was abit better but my stomach was all blown out. Sunday was bad, I was afraid to eat and in pain. I went to the ER- I couldn’t even lay flat the pain was bad. They took me right away and ruled out a heart attack. They checked me out and did 4 xryas which Dr. showed me. Everywhere my pain was(upper chest now) and lower right was filled with gas gas gas. I was diagnosed with Gastritis and given Malox (ant-acid. I do not know what is causing it. I tired reaching my GI Dr. when I got home 10am today and never heard back.

  • drtowfigh

    April 11, 2014 at 10:08 pm

    pain in my right groin going around my back

    Let us know how it goes with Dr Jacob.

  • ret

    April 9, 2014 at 3:40 am

    pain in my right groin going around my back

    The reason I called your office last week and posted here was/is basically because the Dr. I have seen are not giving me options other then pain management, pelvic floor therapy or just telling me they do not know. I started searching the net for reasons of my pain and came across hidden hernias.
    All the Dr. I have seen have basically told me to do nothing at this point.
    I can cancel this MRI, I asked the GI Dr. for it because I have run out of alternatives other then pain meds, or just hoping it goes away…whatever it is.
    I am posting this to clarify: all my tests show nothing. The only time a right small groin hernia was seen was Sept 2012 by the surgeon on the actual image. I wish I could send the images and reports to you to view, you might get a better idea why I am so lost. All my tests seem fine, other then the right Labrum and Bulging L/4-L/5 disc

  • ret

    April 9, 2014 at 3:32 am

    pain in my right groin going around my back

    The previous 3 MRI’s were not looking for hernia. One was and MRI Enterography – I drank Barium then was injected with 2 substances. the first MRI was without contrast and saw a tron labrum which was degenerative from my 1986 car accident. THe last MRI was of my Spine for a bulging disc. This MRI I asked for after reading your board about diagnosis of hidden hernia. You post that an MRI without contrast using Valsalva was the best tool.

    The surgeon I saw did not want to do anything, was referring me to another surgeon and pain management. The colon surgeon referred me to Pelvic floor therapy.
    MY GI Dr. basically said he doesn’t know and that it is IBS due to the colonoscopy and as i said the last surgeon referred me to pain management or another surgeon.

    I wanted to really thank-you for taking the time to answer my questions, I really appreciate it. I wish I could see Dr. Jacob and am going to FAX my insurance card to his office tomorrow in hopes he can at least see me for a consult with all of my images/test reports.

  • drtowfigh

    April 9, 2014 at 2:29 am

    pain in my right groin going around my back

    Dr. Jacobs has read all that you have posted on and his recommendations come based on the information you provided, discussion with me, and his significant experience.

    I defer to you and the surgeon you choose to treat you to have a discussion about what is ailing you and how it can be treated. That said, if you wish to have a cure, and surgery is the cure for your ailment, then you must mentally prepare yourself to make that decision. It is a decision you must make alongside your surgeon.

    I am truly shocked with the number of repeat imaging studies and other procedures you have had in a very short time. Thus, my hesitation that another study is being ordered, when a prior study has already answered the question. Besides, you should save your resources for actual treatment by a specialist, rather than performing studies which may not be necessary.

  • ret

    April 9, 2014 at 2:22 am

    pain in my right groin going around my back

    I forgot, : Dr. Jacobs also has not physically examined me, so his suggestion just came form a 10 minutes phone conversation without tests, reports or seeing me.
    What do you think?

    I am supposed to schedule the MRI tomorrow,

  • ret

    April 9, 2014 at 2:19 am

    pain in my right groin going around my back

    I only spoke with Dr. Jacob via the phone, he has not seen any images or reports. I have to fax my ins card to him tomorrow. I am afraid of any kind of invasive surgery, there are always risks. All of this happened to me after a routine Colonscopy.

    My GI DR. ordered an MRI with and without contrast with Valsalva,should I take the contrast?

    I read about Laperoscopy, they do 3 incisions, plus anesthesia, I fear more problems.
    I read online about chronic Appendicitis, the surgeon at NYU that i saw thought it wasn’t that. I don’t know what I should do.
    If they do Laproscopy and see a hernia or Appendix problem do they fix it right then and there?
    The last time I spoke with my NYU Surgeon she said no more CT scans and no laporosopy, thus my hesitation, and utter confusion….and at this point fear! I never thought an Appendix could go on for 4 months. I also had an inguinal hernia in 2001 that was bulging out of my groin onthe left side, it did not give me this kind of pain radiating around my back. this pain worses with activity, gas, eating and the bathroom. Dr. Jacobs also mentioned I micro tear in the colon form the colonsocpy.
    Sorry for the lengthy rant, my life has been 4 months of pain and I was fine before the COlon procedure, thus my fear of doing anything else invasive ot my body unless it is necessary.

  • drtowfigh

    April 9, 2014 at 1:37 am

    pain in my right groin going around my back

    Please explain why you are afraid of laparoscopy and what you believe laparoscopy entails.

    Laparoscopy is your best option if he believes you have examination findings suggestive of a structural problem.

    As I explained before: I do not recommend more imaging. But to answer your other question: no, no contrast is indicated for the MRI. And yes, MRI pelvis will show your appendix.

  • ret

    April 8, 2014 at 9:19 pm

    pain in my right groin going around my back

    An added note- my GI Dr. got an MRI or the Pelvis approved with and without contrast with the Valsalva – should I do that? I need contrast? Would that show my appendix too?

  • ret

    April 8, 2014 at 9:18 pm

    pain in my right groin going around my back

    I spoke with Dr. Jacob, I am faxing my insurance to his office tomorrow. He suggested a Laperoscopy? I asked what he thought this could be, he mentioned chronic appendicitis, a hidden hernia or a micro tear from the colonoscopy. I am very frightened to have a Laperoscopy. My appendix looked fine in all the tests I had, do you think this could be my appendix?

  • drtowfigh

    April 8, 2014 at 1:33 pm

    pain in my right groin going around my back

    I do not recommend more imaging.
    Colonoscopy does not cause hernias. Not do I believe it is causing your groin pain, though I don’t have the privilege to examine you.
    I recommend you see Dr Jacob and take him all your studies. He is aware of your post. Let his office know you were referred by me and you have posted on

  • ret

    April 8, 2014 at 8:38 am

    pain in my right groin going around my back

    If my insurance approves should I get this last MRI with the Valsalva technique to see if I have a hernia? As I said previously, the only time a hernia in my right groin was seen was in the CT scan from Sept 2012 on the actual image by the hernia Dr. not the radiologist. All of this pain in my right groin/side wrapping around my back started the day after the Colonscopy Dec.12, 2013. I never had pain on my right side before or lower back. I would appreciate any and all ideas, opinions, or thoughts you might have as to what could have happened during this colonscopy that would cause this. I also have lots of gas and sometimes the pain is relieved abit after passing gas and going to the bathroom.
    thank-you for your input, i am really confused as to what to do next and just want to feel like I did before the colonoscopy procedure.

  • ret

    April 8, 2014 at 8:25 am

    pain in my right groin going around my back

    I have GHI Emblem Health Medicare. I have had, in total 7 CT scans since July 2012 when I had a bought of Diverticulitis. I had my Colonoscopy Dec. 11, 2013, Dec. 16th was sent to the ER where they did my 7th CT scan with oral contrast. After that I had 3 sonograms Dec.24, 2013, then 3 MRI’s in Jan and Feb. 2014, then 3 more sonograms at my request in Feb. 2013.I went to 3 GI Dr.s, 1 Colon Surgeon, one hernia surgeon, 2 orthopedists, a spine specialist (they found a bulging disc in my lower back and a torn labrum on my right side which was from a car accident in 1986. I went to a pain management specialist and even 2 Gynocologists. Actually I saw saw 4 GI Doctors because my GI Dr. was on vacation. I am so tired. The Spine Dr. wanted to inject my lumbar with a steroid, I refused and have been trying PT for it. The colon surgeon suggested Pelvic floor therapy. Now my GI Dr. is willing to sendme for one more MRI with the valsalva method you use(I told him about your hernia work). I am kind of giving up at this point, living with daily pain. Not fo sure of what to do next.

  • drtowfigh

    April 5, 2014 at 12:02 am

    pain in my right groin going around my back

    What insurance do you have?
    Most hernia specialists have limited insurance carriers and/or are out of network.
    Dr George Ferzli is another gifted surgeon in NY who may be of help.
    You can also consider searching for doctors on the Website.
    If you cannot find one, I strongly recommend you invest in a hernia specialist. I am shocked that you have had such a runaround of care and waste of resources to date, wth expensive tests and procedures and exposure to radiation.

  • ret

    April 4, 2014 at 11:01 pm

    pain in my right groin going around my back

    Dr.jacob does not take my insurance. Do you have the name of another doctor I could see in ny?

  • ret

    April 2, 2014 at 10:22 pm

    pain in my right groin going around my back

    I called your office last friday and your secretary gave me the name of Dr. Jacobs. I called today to see if he takes my insurance. I have GHI Medicare. I would really like to see him and bring all of my tests which in addition to having all the reports I have all of the actual films on CD’s. I am waiting to hear back from Dr. Jacob. I do wish I lived in California I would definitely come to see you. I called your office friday hoping you had a nyc office too
    thank-you again

  • drtowfigh

    April 2, 2014 at 9:50 pm

    pain in my right groin going around my back

    You really need to see an expert that is skilled in handling chronic groin pain and can also correctly interpret imaging studies. I would be happy to see you if you wish to come to Los Angeles.

    In NYC, I recommend Dr. Brian Jacob.

    I do not recommend more imaging. That seems like no added value.

  • drtowfigh

    April 2, 2014 at 9:41 pm

    pain in my right groin going around my back

    You really need to see an expert that is skilled in handling chronic groin pain and can also correctly interpret imaging studies. I would be happy to see you if you wish to come to Los Angeles.

    In NYC, I recommend Dr. Brian Jacob.

    I do not recommend more imaging. That seems like no added value.

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