News Feed Discussions pain lower right quad for 14 months

  • pain lower right quad for 14 months

    Posted by sarahaeh on July 20, 2015 at 10:41 pm

    14 months ago I started having pain over my right ovary. When I went to the GYN I was diagnosed with a 5cm hemorrhagic ovarian cyst. When the deep pelvic examined was performed it caused a sharp pain to go down my right leg stopping at my knee. I had surgery to remove the ovarian cyst. After I started my normal activities back, which was 2 weeks rest post-op, the pain returned. Pain in my lower right quadrant where my ovary is and pain going down my leg stopping at my knee. The pain increases with standing, walking, and lifting. I can’t even hold or carry my 4 month old son without pain. It is a pulling, tugging, burning pain that can be dull or sharp. It radiates down my leg and around the entire right area.. The pain will subside with rest. I then got pregnant and had the pain throughout my entire pregnancy. After I had my son, 4 months ago, I started investigating the pain again. I had a CT of my entire abdominal region, MRI of hips, MRI of lumbar spine, ultrasound for ovarian cyst, and physical therapy for my SI joint. CT’s, MRI’s, and ultrasounds were negative, with the exception of ovulation cyst on ultrasound. The pain can be recreated by pushing on the vaginal walls.

    1 1/2 months ago I was doing some exercises for my SI joint and that set off the pain in my lower right quadrant extremely bad. I had one day of prolonged standing and I started hurting extremely bad in the lower right quadrant and the pain has not settled down. I have not been to work in a week because I can not stand or walk for more then a couple of minutes. I have been to 2 orthopedic surgeons, general surgeon, gynecologist, neurologist. No one can tell me what’s wrong. I am beyond frustrated as I can do nothing but lie around the house. Even taking care of my 4 month old son has become almost impossible. I am 34 years old and feel like I have lost my life. I just want to be able to do stuff with my son. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Also, are there any doctors in the Montgomery, AL area?

    sarahaeh replied 9 years, 7 months ago 2 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • drtowfigh

    August 1, 2015 at 11:19 pm

    pain lower right quad for 14 months

    Sorry. Typo. Dr. Clint Streetman. He practices in Baptist East Hospital in Montgomery.

    Please let him know you were referred by!

  • sarahaeh

    July 23, 2015 at 2:34 pm

    pain lower right quad for 14 months

    Where is Dr. Eastman located? I have not seen him.

  • drtowfigh

    July 23, 2015 at 1:52 pm

    pain lower right quad for 14 months

    Have you seen Dr Clint Eastman?

    Also, you don’t have a sports hernia. That’s when you tear your muscle off the bony attachment. It occurs in athletes with large bulky muscles. Your symptoms and activities don’t match that.

  • sarahaeh

    July 23, 2015 at 10:32 am

    pain lower right quad for 14 months

    Thank you so much for your response. The 2 general surgeons checked me for an inguinal hernia and said I did not have one due to no buldge present and the CT and MRI stating in there report “inguinal canal looks good”. I am getting checked for a sports hernia today. I am willing to travel. Where would be the closest doctor to me? Thank you for your help and time.

  • drtowfigh

    July 23, 2015 at 5:48 am

    pain lower right quad for 14 months

    I’m willing to bet you have a straight forward inguinal (groin) hernia. The following signs and symptoms are very consistent with such a diagnosis:
    – right lower quadrant pain- radiating down the leg but not below the knee
    – pain with prolonged standing, lifting, walking
    – pain with pushing on vaginal wall
    – best when resting
    – burning tugging pain
    – cannot carry son
    – pain during pregnancy

    Just because the interpretation of your imaging was negative does not mean that interpretation was correct. In our studies, more than 70% of imaging studies inaccurately diagnosed hernias or completely missed hernias altogether on imaging studies.

    I would go to the American Hernia a Society website for someone local who has an interest in hernias. There are no specialists that I know of in AL but I will ask around for you. You may have to travel to get the cure you need. (yes, I meant CURE!)

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