Assuming you’ve already been checked for hernia recurrence? Have you had an MRI or any other imaging to see if anything obvious is to blame? How long ago did you have surgery and when did the pain begin? Have you tried a nerve block injection?
– As far as lidocaine patches, many can be obtained from drug stores and are certainly worth a try. If you try them out, let us know how it goes.
– TENS unit might be worth a try, you can order one on Amazon for about $40. Basically you put little pads on or around an area of pain and the TENS unit pulses little electrical currents through, which in theory disrupts pain signals. Some people report success with them.
– If ibuprofen works slightly, have you tried naproxen? And if your health permits, you might want to discuss an extended 30+ day course of another strong prescription NSAID like mobic or diclofenac with your doctor
– Prescription opioids often work very well for pain, but mass media / political hysteria about street drug addiction is harming legitimate patients. But they do have side effects, can become habit forming, and there’s a risk of rebound pain as well. These should be considered a last resort.
– Alpha-lipoic Acid. There is research to support it as helping neuropathic pain after several weeks:
– Vitamin C. It’s not a pain killer, but it has demonstrable efficacy with helping to treat chronic pain over time. Will it resolve the pain completely? Doubt it, but it could help. Here is some data:
– Medical marijuana. Controversial and with some societal stigma, but there is evidence that it is effective for many people. If you’re in a state that allows medical marijuana, it is worth investigating and considering. There is a fair amount of emerging research to support this as well:
– Targeted physical therapy may help as well
– Working with a pain therapist or pain management clinic can be very helpful
– Engaging in new mentally challenging activities can be helpful indirectly, as it recruits neurons to learn something new. Learning a new language, learning a musical instrument, crocheting, programming, sudoku, crossword-puzzles, painting or drawing, etc.
Anyway, keep us up to date on your progress, what you try, what works and what doesn’t, and how you’re doing.