News Feed Discussions Please Help!

  • Please Help!

    Posted by kleiter on March 10, 2015 at 12:06 am

    Please help me – I have been having lower right pain since September 2014 & have seen multiple doctors (OB, chiropractor, gastroenterologists, acupuncture, etc). I saw my OB in December 2014 – she is the one who indicated I had a hernia & needed to have surgery. When I met with the surgeon, he stated I did not have a hernia because there was no obvious bulge. I had a second opinion with another surgeon that worked in the same office as the first one. He also said I did not have a hernia. I have had a CT scan, pelvic ultrasound, abdominal ultrasound and an MRI with valsalva . . . all came up with nothing. Since this was all done within the same health organization, I decided to seek another opinion at an outside health clinic. He was from the American Hernia Society and stated the definition of a hernia = a bulge. My pain is ONLY on my lower right & sometimes lingers around to the surrounding areas and into my back. It gets worse throughout the day, or if I sit too long (I am a receptionist) – I had to stop running in September due to the pain. I have not ran since September & the pain is the same, if not worse. It is on the crease of my leg/thigh and groin . Coincidentally the only thing found on all of my imaging was a cyst on my right labia during the CT scan. I have had no one else to review these images or have a second opinion other than the first health organization that initially took them. The doctor from the American Hernia Society reviewed the written report from the CT scan, but did not look at the scan itself. He said based on my size (height & weight), there should be some sort of bulge . . . even if it is the size of a marble and he could not find one. I have been told my pain is from running, having backed up stool, my psoas muscle, hip pain, etc. I am out of answers and cannot seem to find anyone to help me simply because I have no protruding bulge. I have stopped running, I have been on daily stool softeners, I have been adjusted from a chiropractor and have done daily psoas stretches . . . all with no relief. I wish I could come see Dr. Shirin Towfigh – unfortunately, I am in MN. The pain gets worse throughout the day, feels better when lying down and gets worse (pressure) if I have to urinate or have a bowel movement. I wish there was a clear answer. Does this sound like a hernia & if so, what should be my next step? Thanks!!!

    kleiter replied 9 years, 6 months ago 4 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • drtowfigh

    September 6, 2015 at 11:04 pm

    Please Help!

    This is great news.
    If your pain improves with PT, that’s great.
    If you feel that PT actually hurts, then see Dr Ramaswamy again as you may have an occult inguinal hernia.

  • kleiter

    September 6, 2015 at 6:44 pm

    Please Help!

    Hi Dr. Towfigh –

    I saw Dr. Archana Ramaswamy back in March & it was suggested that I may have a sports hernia from running. Which would makes sense because I had no obvious bulge and pain only on my right side. The pain would get worse when I went running & would linger afterwards Also, all of my tests (ultrasounds, MRI, etc.) came back negative. I’m just amazed that after seeing as many surgeons & healthcare providers as I did, Dr. Ramaswamy was the first to suggest “sports hernia”. She gave me a referral to begin physical therapy for 6 weeks to improve hip & pelvic strength and flexibility. If PT did not help or improve my symptoms, she advised that I return to see her.

    The physical therapist found that my right hip was tilted forward and ultimately the right side was weak & did not perform as well as the left. All in all physical therapy has helped, but has not completely eliminated the pain. However, it has significantly reduced the pain. In addition to keeping up on my PT exercises at home, I am back to running. I am not 100% back to where I used to be, but at least I’m running again. I asked the physical therapist IF it was a sports hernia, if it could be healed over time without surgery if I kept strengthening the surrounding area & muscles. She said that if it was a sports hernia & the tear was small enough, scar tissue could build up & it would repair itself. But a bigger tear would require surgery.

    I never returned to see Dr. Ramaswamy as my pain improved with physical therapy. I hope it keeps getting better or at the very least, I don’t return to the pain level that I used to be at. I am so thankful for your help & recommendations – I really appreciate it! THANK YOU!

  • drtowfigh

    September 6, 2015 at 5:51 am

    Please Help!

    Hi there.
    Any update as to how you’re doing?

  • jeanpeteln

    March 12, 2015 at 3:20 am
  • kleiter

    March 11, 2015 at 1:16 pm

    Please Help!

    I am so grateful for your help – I really appreciate you reaching out to MN & recommending some providers. I cancelled the appointment on the 23rd & am scheduled with Dr. Archana Ramaswamy on March 30th. I can’t thank you enough for all of your help – I will definitely keep you updated!!!

  • drtowfigh

    March 11, 2015 at 3:17 am

    Please Help!

    I have reached out to my colleagues in Minnesota.
    Drs Archana Ramaswamy and Chad Robbins have both agreed to see you and evaluate you.
    As part of your evaluation, they may also evaluate your hip area. Hip problems can present with groin pain similar to an occult hernia.
    Good luck! And please keep us updated on your progress.

  • kleiter

    March 10, 2015 at 6:59 pm

    Please Help!

    Thank you for your help & feedback! It is very reassuring to hear similar stories & to know that you suspect this to be a hernia as well . . . just wish I could find someone that agrees. I have another appointment with the surgeon from the American Hernia Society to review the CT scan and I will be bringing this conversation with to reference. I am hoping to finally get some answers & relief – if not, I will definitely be looking into the University of Minnesota. THANKS AGAIN for reading my story – I will keep you posted on my appointment scheduled for March 23!

  • drtowfigh

    March 10, 2015 at 5:43 am

    Please Help!

    Do not give up! As you can see, there are others with similar symptoms. Not all hernias present with bulges. That is a fact.
    Your symptoms are classic for an inguinal hernia and that must be top of the list for the cause of your pain.
    What is this labial cyst? Perhaps this is your hernia?
    If you cannot find a surgeon near you who will treat you, you must travel. If you wish, refer your surgeons to Also, I am happy to field their call if they wish to discuss your situation.
    The Mayo clinic should be nearby as is the University of Minnesota. Consider visiting them as well.

  • lbel

    March 10, 2015 at 12:39 am

    Please Help!

    I have very similar symptoms to you and a dynamic abdominal ultra sound showed an inguinal hernia. During the ultra sound they had me bear down very hard as if I was giving birth. It showed a small inguinal hernia with fat. But my original doctors did not suspect a hernia. I had similar pain: pressure when sitting, pressure with full bowel or bladder, a throbbing sensation in my lower left abdomen. It was/is left of my navel and down about an inch. My entire left side of abdomen and around my hip and buttock just didn’t feel right. Sometimes it feels like a pinch. I had also had numerous tests done….pelvic ultrasound, CT scan (which revealed a lymphangioma, not related to hernia, but needed treatment which I had done), MRI of the lymphangioma but not of the actual area of my pain, many exams by surgeons and still no hernia diagnosis. Finally, prior to doing pelvic floor Physical Therapy, my surgeon said he wanted to do a dynamic ultrasound before sending me to PT. It showed a hernia. The weird part, I had never had groin pain, but after the Ultrasound I did and continue to. When I questioned this the surgeon said that the hernia in the groin could cause the pain in my lower abdomen. So I have been recommended for laparoscopic surgery to repair the weakness in the abdominal wall. Also, after the ultrasound showed a hernia, the surgeon was able to see the hernia on the CT scan. I guess it is very small. I am also small framed and I guess any change in my body I can feel. I would really like an MRI of the area where I have pain just to confirm it and for my piece of mind. The surgeons that I have seen have not felt that it is necessary. I am very anxious and just feel like there is something else going on…I did seek out a surgeon that has an interest in hernias in women. Dr. Towfigh recommended her to me and she is only an hour and a half from my home. I feel lucky that she will be doing my surgery. However, I have a suspicion that there is something else wrong. I feel somewhat powerless, but I don’t know what else to do. In your case, I would ask your doctor to do a dynamic ultrasound. Not all hernias have a bulge. I don’t have a bulge. My hernia was originally missed in my CT scan…I really wish you the best….keep pursuing a diagnosis.

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