News Feed Discussions Possible Hernia, But With Odd Symptoms?

  • Possible Hernia, But With Odd Symptoms?

    Posted by TomTomorrow on November 24, 2016 at 4:48 pm

    Glad I found this forum. Hoping Dr. Towfigh and others might be able to offer some advice.

    Briefly: I’m male, 38, with no history of abdominal discomfort, surgery, or injury. Approximately two months ago, I was forced to begin sleeping on my back due to oral surgery. (My mouth couldn’t be pressed against the pillow; I’m normally a side sleeper). After a couple of weeks, I began waking up with some mild discomfort in my pelvis and back that would disappear a few minutes after getting out of bed.

    About a month ago, I began having a dull, aching pain radiating through my stomach, bladder, groin, testicles, and back, but only if it had been several days since I had last ejaculated. Upon release, the pain would disappear virtually overnight. Still, I found this odd, so I saw my physician.

    She examined me and seemed to palpate a “bulge” or movement in my right groin with her hand when I cough. There is no visible bulge. She has ordered a CT scan and thinks a hernia is a “possibility” but isn’t sure and also has no idea how this could be related to my odd sexual discomfort.

    I have a bit of health anxiety, so the idea of a hernia repair is very concerning to me. But I’m also worried the CT will be negative, which seems to be the case for smaller hernias that don’t openly protrude. My questions:

    – If the physician sees no hernia on the scan, should I let the matter rest or seek a second opinion? She said if it was negative, I would be referred to a urologist instead of an abdominal surgeon.

    – If not a hernia, what else could cause a bulge in or near the inguinal canal to “exhale” upon straining?

    – Is it possible sleeping on my back–on a somewhat saggy, very old mattress–actually created stress on my abdominal wall, leading to a weak point that allowed a hernia to develop? I tried googling this, but I don’t see any mention of anyone ever developing a hernia as a result of poor sleep posture. If this was the case, would replacing the mattress allow the muscles to repair themselves?

    – Could an inguinal hernia affect sexual release/the testes/sperm cords in any way? I thought the inguinal was also home to many of these parts. My (admittedly uninformed) theory is that I have a bit of intestine pressing on some genital structure that makes build-up of semen very uncomfortable. Is this even anatomically possible?

    Thanks in advance.

    Topochico replied 6 years, 9 months ago 5 Members · 20 Replies
  • 20 Replies
  • Topochico

    April 29, 2018 at 4:53 am

    Based on the whole ejaculation relieving it. I echo dr towfigh… please see a urologist!

  • drtowfigh

    December 5, 2016 at 5:59 am

    Possible Hernia, But With Odd Symptoms?

    Short answer: No to all your questions about hernias, fat, etc.

    Exercise usually does not exacerbate hernias. Search our prior posts as we’ve said a lot about the protective nature of exercise.

  • TomTomorrow

    December 4, 2016 at 5:04 pm

    Possible Hernia, But With Odd Symptoms?

    Dr. Towfigh,

    Does the fact that my hernia may contain only fat affect treatment options? In other words, would surgery possibly be more worthy of consideration if it contained bowel? Is it likely to involve my intestines over time, or can fat-only hernias remain stable? Can small hernias ever close by themselves?

    Also: do you recommend that anyone with a weakened abdominal wall perform any kind of core strengthening exercises to try and ward off any further tearing, or would that exacerbate the issue? I do like lifting weights, but will be holding off until consultation. Hoping I can continue exercising.

  • drtowfigh

    December 2, 2016 at 7:56 pm

    Possible Hernia, But With Odd Symptoms?

    Glad you got some concrete evidence to move forward with.
    Yes, to all your questions except still cannot explain the pain that is relieved with ejaculation.
    But everyone is a bit different, so perhaps that is how your body is experiencing the pain.
    Have an open mind if you undergo hernia repair in that it may not address all of your symptoms– if you’re lucky, then it may.

  • jzinckgra

    December 2, 2016 at 5:13 pm

    Possible Hernia, But With Odd Symptoms?

    quote :

    Dr. Towfigh,

    I was finally able to undergo a CT scan–with Vasalva, to my surprise. (Didn’t think the local imaging place would be that progressive.) Doctor phoned this morning to say it showed a small inguinal hernia with fat, not bowel. She’s referring me to a surgeon.

    Because it consists of fat, I wonder if that might be affecting the dull ache I experience when I haven’t ejaculated. Can the fatty tissue be pressing on the spermatic cord? Is it possible this is a cord lipoma?

    Of course, I’ll address these questions with the surgeon, but wanted to try and come armed with a little bit of knowledge. Thanks.

    Go and read my post:Surgeon challenging Radiologist’s CT scan. CT scan showed herniation of fat, but surgeons (I went and got three different opinions) all concluded there was no hernia upon physical exam. Not saying that will be the case with you, but while the radiologist concluded hernia, all surgeons in my case said it was inconclusive.

  • TomTomorrow

    December 2, 2016 at 3:59 pm

    Possible Hernia, But With Odd Symptoms?

    Dr. Towfigh,

    I was finally able to undergo a CT scan–with Vasalva, to my surprise. (Didn’t think the local imaging place would be that progressive.) Doctor phoned this morning to say it showed a small inguinal hernia with fat, not bowel. She’s referring me to a surgeon.

    Because it consists of fat, I wonder if that might be affecting the dull ache I experience when I haven’t ejaculated. Can the fatty tissue be pressing on the spermatic cord? Is it possible this is a cord lipoma?

    Of course, I’ll address these questions with the surgeon, but wanted to try and come armed with a little bit of knowledge. Thanks.

  • drtowfigh

    November 30, 2016 at 10:08 pm

    Possible Hernia, But With Odd Symptoms?

    Inguinal/groin hernias sometimes do affect bladder issues, such as pain with a full bladder, bladder spasm, frequent urgent urination.

    The size of the area of the pain related to hernias does not usually correlate with the actual size of the hernia.

  • Michaen

    November 28, 2016 at 7:35 pm

    Possible Hernia, But With Odd Symptoms?

    Can a hernia bulge be 1/2 ” x 5″ across the abdomen? The area hurts constantly and effects my bladder

  • drtowfigh

    November 28, 2016 at 6:36 pm

    Possible Hernia, But With Odd Symptoms?


    Yes, that is correct.
    A Urologist should be able to help you.

  • Michaen

    November 28, 2016 at 5:55 pm

    Possible Hernia, But With Odd Symptoms?

    I got someone else’s reply

  • TomTomorrow

    November 28, 2016 at 5:48 pm

    Possible Hernia, But With Odd Symptoms?

    Thank you, Doctor. Just one last follow-up: you mentioned that my sexual symptoms (testicular/abdominal aches if ejaculation is delayed) is not related to hernia. Does that mean hernia can never cause compression or defect of any sexual-related anatomy in the inguinal canal? If my CT is negative, should I pursue a second opinion with a hernia surgeon or head to a urologist instead? If it is a hernia, would the urologist be able to detect that?

  • Michaen

    November 28, 2016 at 5:46 pm

    Possible Hernia, But With Odd Symptoms?

    I’m trying to get an appt with my PCP to get a surgeons name in Dallas, TX-I’m not sleeping much-too painful on my side or stomach-sitting causes the ridge pain to jump to a 7 or 8 on the pain scale-My life has turned into one big pain cycle-I have wondered if the ridge could be hernia related as my bladder is also affected-also diagnosed with dy-not sure of spelling but a split or separation of the abdominal wall. My symptoms seem to mimic those found on your web site-the pain is getting unbearable–Thanks for your help-Thank you so much

  • drtowfigh

    November 28, 2016 at 5:29 pm

    Possible Hernia, But With Odd Symptoms?

    “muscle-related” pain can be due to a hernia, since it is a muscle defect.

    I strongly recommend consulting with a general surgeon.

    Very few causes of groin pain/ASIS pain also radiate into the testicle. It’s often an inguinal hernia.

    With regard to the ridge, perhaps that is the hernia bulge? It is hard to tell without examining you…

  • Michaen

    November 28, 2016 at 5:25 pm

    Possible Hernia, But With Odd Symptoms?

    and by the way-Thank you

  • Michaen

    November 28, 2016 at 5:17 pm

    Possible Hernia, But With Odd Symptoms?

    Yes that would be 12 weeks of PT-thanks-No-I asked my pelvic pain dr and since I was out of Medicare coverage she advised A pain doctor and my therapist insist it’s muscle related. This ASIS pain really effects the testicle-any ideas or thoughts on the 1/2 ” ridge?

  • drtowfigh

    November 28, 2016 at 4:50 pm

    Possible Hernia, But With Odd Symptoms?


    I assume you meant 12 weeks of physical therapy…

    What you describe may be an inguinal hernia. You would require an examination by a general surgeon, or better yet a surgeon who is a hernia specialist, to confirm the diagnosis.
    Other causes, though less likely, may be hip-related or sacroiliac joint-related.

    Were you told specifically that you do NOT have an inguinal hernia? And if so, how did they come up with that diagnosis?

  • drtowfigh

    November 28, 2016 at 4:48 pm

    Possible Hernia, But With Odd Symptoms?


    You may have a hernia. The question is, is the hernia the cause of your symptoms? That’s an important one to get answered, because hernias that are not causing symptoms can be watched and do not necessarily require surgery. It would be unfortunate if you had hernia surgery, it did not improve your symptoms, and you had a complication or pain from the hernia repair.

  • Michaen

    November 28, 2016 at 4:44 pm

    Possible Hernia, But With Odd Symptoms?

    66 year old male-dx of chronic pelvic pain years ago with no resolution-current symptoms include sharp pain near left ASIS down crease of leg to left testicle-pain worsens with sitting, standing, bending and any strenuous activity-started during a house painting project—Also have a ridge that’s 1/2 inch wide and 4-5 inches across that is 3 inches below my belly button-this area is painful mostly on left side-no one seems to know what this is -I have been diagnosed with small umbilical hernia-Please help-I see a pain doctor in a week but really don’t want to-have gone thru Brito MRI and a nerve block and 12 weeks of pregnancy but nothing helps–Please advise

  • TomTomorrow

    November 24, 2016 at 6:04 pm

    Possible Hernia, But With Odd Symptoms?

    Thank you for responding, Doctor. With my physician able to feel a moving bulge upon coughing in or near my inguinal canal, what is the likelihood I have a hernia? And can the CT scan be useful even if it’s negative?

  • drtowfigh

    November 24, 2016 at 5:55 pm

    Possible Hernia, But With Odd Symptoms?

    Not sure if you happen to have A groin hernia, but it cannot be caused or become symptomatic from lying on your back and there is no relation between that and your sexual symptoms. I would seek consultation by a urologist first.

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