Possible Inguinal Hernia- ovulation?
Looking for some guidance. I am a 32 year old woman with a 19 month old toddler. When I got my period back about 4 months ago I noticed a sharp pain on my lower right pelvic area whenever I sneezed. This was accompanied by a bulge about the size of a marble. It would go away after about 3 days. It has happened my past 3 cycles.About a month ago I went to my gynecologist because I thought it was an ovarian cyst but she said my ovaries looked perfect and there was a slight but unlikely chance it was a hernia.
I went to a bodyworker who gave me a belly massage. This last cycle my symptoms still presented but with significantly less pain. She said my psoas was in spasm because my abdominals were so weak it was making my psoas go into overdrive. She recommended Pilates.
Last night the spot was bulging and painful when I sneezed. I pushed on it a little and the pain went away as did the bugle. It seems like the right spot for an inguinal hernia. If this comes and goes with ovulation, is there a way I can manage or cure this naturally? Can I only get a diagnosis when it is bulging? Am I able to continue working out to strengthen my core?
Thank you for your time!
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