News Feed Discussions Post Op Problems From Inguinal Hernia Repair

  • Post Op Problems From Inguinal Hernia Repair

    Posted by integratedbodyworker6 on May 2, 2015 at 2:33 am

    I am a 69 yr old female who developed an inguinal hernia after doing a triath-LITE (half distance of a triathlon). I also developed a prolapsed uterus. (My body got really angry with me !! ) After resolving the prolapse (without surgery) through visits and exercise with a women’s health physical therapist, I agreed to hernia surgery. It was laparoscopic and a mesh was used. Without my knowledge, titanium tacks were also used to secure mesh and then attached to lower abdomen .
    Since that time, I have had severe pain deep in right side (including psoas) and lower abs with burning in hernia repair area. A second bulge (in lower abs has formed). It appears like a hernia….I have CD of CT scan… I saw surgeon 2 weeks ago (showed me CT pictures) and he claims bulge and pain are due to “pouching”. I had 4 children. However, the pain in my side and tendency to “push” out with abdomen, started after surgery. I was seeing the same physical therapist for post-op pain and muscle spasms. She ended sessions because I could not continue without pain when I held in abdomen…. (I have her reports) Now, I believe the problem is the tacks. I have not felt well since surgery and my activity is very restricted due to pain…also, I have been a therapeutic massage therapist for 20 yrs. I am wearing an abdominal support when I work. Can you advise on this? Or, give me a direction.

    integratedbodyworker6 replied 9 years, 4 months ago 2 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • drtowfigh

    May 26, 2015 at 4:48 am

    Post Op Problems From Inguinal Hernia Repair

    Yes. It is possible to use only one tack.
    Possibly, if you are looking at the instrument log, they logged one tacker (?), which has many tacks in it. The operative report may indicate how many tacks were used. If these are titanium tacks, a simple xray will show the tacks and we can count them.

  • integratedbodyworker6

    May 16, 2015 at 5:56 pm

    Post Op Problems From Inguinal Hernia Repair

    Is it possible to secure a mesh that requires affixing that is 4.5 X 6 in size with just one tack? I went to hospital and got a
    copy of the “Surgical Case Record” to find out how many tacks were used. It indicated one.

    I appreciate your comments and am going to try an arrange a trip to your office. My right thigh is now larger then my
    left (Hernia was on right side.) And my leg tends to swell. I am doing lymphatic drainage to help that.

    Thank you for your help.

    I hope others will benefit from these postings. Research and knowledge are important tools. Thank you for your vigilance to
    this site.

  • drtowfigh

    May 12, 2015 at 7:58 am

    Post Op Problems From Inguinal Hernia Repair

    For some reason, Northern California is completely without any hernia specialists that I am familiar with. Perhaps others can chime in if they know of anyone. Sorry b

  • integratedbodyworker6

    May 7, 2015 at 3:20 pm

    Post Op Problems From Inguinal Hernia Repair

    I also have a “dent” or inward pucker on right side of abdomen which looks like tissue is being pulled inward.
    Overall, I do not feel well…. There is no one in this area (Redding, Ca.) who is specialized enough to deal with this
    situation. I need to go out of area. Sacramento/Davis or San Francisco are closest, if you could recommend someone.
    However, I would make a trip to your office, as I have family a little over an hour away from there. Thank you for your responses.

  • drtowfigh

    May 7, 2015 at 5:34 am

    Post Op Problems From Inguinal Hernia Repair

    – pain 2 months after a hernia repair may be due to
    A) mesh shrinkage, folding, pulling from the shrinkage
    B) indirectly from the tacks (or sutures as the case may be) as the shrinking is pulling on the tacks that are holding it in place)
    C) hernia recurrence
    D) infection of the mesh (very rare)

    Tack pain is almost always immediately after the repair and does not present in such a delayed fashion.

    You need a thorough evaluation to rule out #C. If there is no hernia recurrence, then dealing with pain from a tightly placed mesh that is now shrinking and pulling on the tacks placed on it is a more difficult problem to deal with. The tacks may have to be removed. Also the number of tacks may play a role in thee extent of pain associated with the shrinkage of the mesh.

    I recommend evaluation by a top hernia specialist who has regularly dealt with these situations and is experienced enough to take you through the appropriate workup and treatment plan.

    I tend to agree with you that logically speaking you should not all of a sudden have weakening and pooching out of your abdomen from your 4 pregnancies, no so many decades later and despite your athleticism.

  • integratedbodyworker6

    May 6, 2015 at 4:59 pm

    Post Op Problems From Inguinal Hernia Repair

    Hernia surgery was Nov. 19, 2014. Pain started about 2 months after surgery and started increasing. Saw physical therapist about 10 weeks after surgery for muscle spasms in adductors and area around surgery site. I have her report and biofeedback of muscle activity. My pain only slightly reduced.
    Dr indicated tacks were around mesh (made half-moon sign with his finger). And also attached at lower abdomen. He did not indicate how many he used. I saw some of them when he showed me CT Scan on computer 2 weeks ago. There were 2 that stood out to me because they were very shiny and in area where I experience stabbing pain.
    The dr described “pouching” as an extended stomach due to thin, stretched tissues in women who have had several children. I had 4. And as women age stomachs become extended. He said this was probably pulling on my sides and back and creating pain.
    I DID NOT have pain before surgery. Nor was I having the tendency to “push out” abdomen prior to surgery. I was healthy, pain free and in good enough physical condition to do a tri-atheLITE. He had no comment.

  • drtowfigh

    May 6, 2015 at 4:26 am

    Post Op Problems From Inguinal Hernia Repair

    Some questions to help clarify your story:

    – when was your hernia repair? Vs when did your symptoms start?
    – how many tacks were used?
    – what does “pouching” mean?

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