News Feed Discussions post surgical problems

  • post surgical problems

    Posted by Beenthere on February 7, 2017 at 8:07 pm

    After years of not getting my surgical notes from my corrective procedure I finally requested and received a copy.

    Here are a couple of questions that my help others.

    The post op findings stated extensive scarring of the cord to the inguinal floor.

    Is this common?
    Could this have been the cause of all of my pain and the tightness in the groin which made my walking stride change to almost half of my presurgical stride.?
    Was this my standard bodily reaction(extensive scarring) or something to do with how the surgery was performed?
    Is there any non invasive imaging that would have shown this extensive scarring?
    If this was found in a imaging exam what would be the corrective action or surgery?

    Another finding there was no evidence of residual illoinguinal or iliohypogastric nerves. According to my agreed treatment plan with the original surgeon he was to find and preserve all the three nerves. When asked after the surgery the response, these nerves were not in the surgical field of vision. Nor according to the hospital, no tissue was removed during my original surgery, except a portion of my inferior epigastric vessel was removed.

    I also just had another ct scan for another procedure not involved in my hernia surgery. 5 years ago is stated evidence of hernia surgery. The current one makes no mention of my other hernia surgery done since the first ct scan on the other side or when they compared the two changes on the right side. In my surgery did the surgeon do so much damage and scarring that it was that clear?

    I think I might have asked this, if as my surgeon stated the mesh was inserted so tight it will never move. Could this have lead to both of my new hernias that happened within 2 and 4 months for the original hernia. My thought if soft tissue is under constant unnatural tension it might just let go to relieve the tension causing a new hernia?

    Beenthere replied 8 years ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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