Probable femoral hernia
Hi there, I’m a 39 year old female in otherwise good overall health, and I have been diagnosed with a femoral hernia (ultrasound this weekend to confirm). My surgeon said it will need to be repaired, but in the meantime to just try and live my life. Easier said then done. I of course (and know I shouldn’t have) started googling femoral hernias, and the increased risk of stragulation has me terrified. Is it really 21% in the first three months?? I am prone to catastrophizing but I’m really nervous that this isn’t being dealt with sooner! I won’t see my surgeon for another 2.5 weeks, and I’m not even on the waitlist yet. From what I’ve read here in British Columbia I’m looking at a 1-2 month wait after that. Should I be concerned about the waiting? We’re supposed to go on vacation to Disneyland in September, and the thought of having a strangulation there is nerve wracking. I’m so stressed! 🙁
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