Problems healing from open inguinal mesh repair
I am thankful to have found this forum tonight. I am 3 1/2 months out from an open inguinal hernia mesh repair and I am still having a lot of pain.
I went into this surgery very naive and uninformed as my surgeon didn’t mention the possibly of a single complication and I blindly trusted that this would be a great experience. I was told I would feel like I had been kicked in the groin for the first week or 2, but after the initial healing, I would feel much better than before surgery, with no more hernia pain. In spite of my positive expectations, this has been a pretty negative and life changing experience.
I had really horrible pain for several weeks after surgery. (Left the hospital vomiting and coughing from anesthia which I think made my recovery harder). Now the pain has lessened some, but it has never gone away. I can walk little bits in my house and pain is worse from sitting upright on hard chairs. Resting and reclining give me some relief. The few times I have driven I have had pain, but the next few days pain is much worse. So it seems when I have more movement I have more pain.
My greatest areas of pain are in the pubic bone (with pain stretching over to the midline and past to the other side of my pubic area). It often feels like small bits of barbed wire in one spot where the doctor said she anchored the mesh to the bone. The pain that has spread didn’t start til maybe a month after surgery. My skin is so sensitive now so that might be some type of nerve pain there on top of the deeper, barbed wire type pain. Also, the whole place where mesh was sutured in the crease of my leg is painful but it is nothing compared to the other pain spots.
I also had a sharp,searing, burning pain a few inches above my incision that started 3-4 days after surgery. It lessened for awhile, but now there has been a new lump there that was not there before surgery.
My surgeon told us she doesn’t know what to do for patients who have pain after 6 months so she refers them to physical therapy. I also was treated with 2 courses of antibiotics for a suspected mesh infection about 2 weeks out from surgery.
I have followed all my recovery instructions carefully (and the pain really helped me to be good with not doing too much) but the the painful spots I just described have not improved and I was told by 3 months I should be mostly pain free. I am functioning at about 25% of what I could do before surgery. It has been so life altering and the constant pain is discouraging.
What can be done about the pain in the pubic area? What is it from? I wondered if my mesh came lose and was stuck down there as it often feels like there is “something in there”. Has anyone else experienced this and what can be done to fix it? From reading other posts here it sounds like it could be nerve entrapment or something like that? Please educate me if you can.
Also the lump a few inches above my incision….any idea what that can be? . It is painful to touch and often makes me bend over walking because of the pain. It seems to have grown a bit smaller and has moved over an inch or two.
I am following up again next week for the 3rd time with my surgeon, but honestly have serious concerns about her ability to help me. What she wrote in her notes from my precious visits didn’t match up with what she told me, or what I told her. (for example saying I was back to my pre-surgery activity at 10 days out from surgery and that my pain was already better than before I had surgery. I wasn’t even able to dress myself or drive myself to the doctor and was on narcotics when I saw her. ) I say that to say, looking to her for help doesn’t seem to get me anywhere. Love her as a person, but she wasn’t honest to me going into this surgery and I am paying for that now.
Any suggestions you can provide on what steps I can take now would be a great help to me.
She used Progrip Mesh (15cm) with tacks and sutures. And my indirect inguinal hernia was very small and that seems like a large piece of mesh for that small of a hernia? She sent a biopsy of the hernia sac that measured 1.5 x1x1 cm. I didn’t know she was going to do a biopsy and found out when I got the pathology bill. I called to check on it, and the first report was concerning so they did more testing. Final report is good. Is it weird that the surgeon never told me about this?
Sorry this is so long. I am like many people on this board….desperately needing some help. Thanks for reading!
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